= User Communities Related to Django = == International == * [http://groups.google.com/group/django-users django-users] * Definitive, informative, and helpful discussions on Django usage. * [http://www.djangoproject.com/community/ Django community blog aggregator] * Django-related blog postings, updated every 15 minutes * [irc://irc.freenode.net/django IRC channel] * Live discussion of Django. Please read the documentation before posting questions! == Czech and Slovak == * General discussion on Django in mailing-list: http://groups.google.cz/group/django-cs == Japanese == * [http://www.djangoproject.jp/ django-ja: Django et compagnie au Japon] * The first Django user community in Japan, active and growing on. * * Activities : * General discussion on Django in mailing-list: http://groups.google.com/group/django-ja * Developing/sharing Django-based applications. * Providing Django-related aggregator for Japanese readers. * Translating message catalogues/documentations. * Making propaganda for Django * Introduction at Python Japanese Users Group's [http://www.python.jp/Zope/workshop/200601 Python Workshop 03] in January 2006. * Panel discussion about Python frameworks at Python Japanese Users Group's [http://www.python.jp/Zope/workshop/200601/200604 Python Workshop the Edge 2006] in April 2006. * Fight against Rails, Kahua, Ethna at [http://ll.jus.or.jp/2006 LLRing] in August 2006. * [http://www.djangoproject.jp/weblog/2006/09/14/django_etude_disc_zero/ Django etude disc 0] in September 2006. * [http://static.everes.net/related/stuff/devcam2006s.divx teach Django by ymasuda at Python Developer's camp 2006 summer] in September 2006.