To take advantage of the MEDIA_URL in the file for hosting your static media on a separate server, you need to do a little internal work on your templates and some work to make that setting available to the templates. Inside a template, where you would normally have: {{{ blah blah this is a foo blah blah.. }}} You would instead insert {{media_url}} so that it would look like: {{{ blah blah this is a foo blah blah.. }}} It generally requires a big search and replace the first time you implement it. After that, seeing other references in the templates has been enough to remind me to use {{media_url}} before any static content. We could pass {{media_url}} in through each view, but since we'll want it throughout the site, it's often easier to set up a simple context processor to do the heavy lifting. Here's a example snippet from a context process: {{{ from myproject import constants from django.conf import settings def common(request): ctx = {} ctx['constants'] = constants ctx['media_url'] = settings.MEDIA_URL ... more stuff here ... return ctx }}} Then in the under TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS, we added: "myproject.context_processors.common", and from there, the MEDIA_URL in became available in all templates as {{media_url}}. Note: There is a default media context processor since revision 5379 and will be included in version 0.97 once it is released. See You can access using {{ MEDIA_URL }} in your templates.