= CookBook - DataModel = == Multiple Levels and Multiple Components == There are times when you have data/content that has many-to-one relationships. This is very easy to accomodate, just as [http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/models/many_to_one/ this example] demonstrates. Here is code similar to that of the example: {{{ from django.core import meta class Document(meta.Model): fields = ( meta.CharField('short_name', maxlength=30), meta.CharField('title', maxlength=100), ) def __repr__(self): return self.title admin = meta.Admin() class Paragraph(meta.Model): fields = ( meta.ForeignKey(Document, edit_inline=True, num_in_admin=3, num_extra_on_change=1),), meta.TextField('content'), ) def __repr__(self): return self.headline }}}