The Jenkins continuous integration environment at builds pull requests using the [ GitHub Integration Plugin]. == Commands == The main pull request builder is: * [ pull-requests-bionic] (Ubuntu 18.04) runs PostgreSQL 10 and MySQL 5.7. GIS: spatialite 4.3.0a-5, GDAL 2.2.3, GEOS 3.6.2, PostGIS 2.4 Other pull request builders which can be triggered manually with the corresponding comment phrases: * [ pull-requests-oracle] runs on Oracle The Oracle tests take about 40 minutes, so we avoid them unless we suspect a change may have broken something on Oracle. * buildbot, test on oracle. * [ pull-requests-selenium] runs the selenium tests. * buildbot, test on selenium. * Retired: * Ubuntu 12.04 runs PostgreSQL 9.1 and MySQL 5.5. GIS: spatialite 3.0.0~beta, GDAL 1.7.3, GEOS 3.2.2, PostGIS 1.5.3 * Ubuntu 14.04 runs PostgreSQL 9.3 and MySQL 5.6. GIS: spatialite 4.1.1, GDAL 1.10.1, GEOS 3.4.2, PostGIS 2.1 * Ubuntu 16.04 runs PostgreSQL 9.5 and MySQL 5.7. GIS: spatialite 4.3.0a-5, GDAL 1.11.3, GEOS 3.5.0, PostGIS 2.2 == Other checks == Some other builders run on all pull requests: * [ flake8] - runs the equivalent of `flake8` from the root checkout directory and fails if there are any warnings * [ docs] - runs the equivalent of `make spelling` from the docs directory and fails if there are any spelling or sphinx errors. * [ isort] - runs `isort --recursive --check-only .` from the root checkout directory and fails if any imports aren't [ sorted properly]. * [ pull-requests-javascript] - runs the [ JavaScript tests]. * [ pull-requests-windows] - runs with Python 3.5.4 with an update to SQLite 3.25.2 (replace C:\Python35\DLLs\sqlite3.dll with the one from []) for testing [ can_alter_table_rename_column]. == Troubleshooting == Q: The build result disappeared. How do I get it back? A: Build results are kept for a few days. Repush to your branch if you need to run the build again. Q: The build failed with "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'memcache'" A: The Python dependencies probably failed to install from PyPI. There's an issue where PyPI sometimes [ fails to return a correct response].