= Backwards-incompatible changes = As Django is still in pre-release mode, we haven't yet committed to maintaining backwards compatibility in any APIs. Although we're keeping such changes to a minimum, Django developers should be acutely aware of these changes. Of course, once we reach our first official release, we'll be strongly committed to backward compatibility. This page lists all backwards-incompatible changes to Django so far. == Moved mod_python handler == As of [169], using {{{django.core.handler}}} as a mod_python handler is deprecated. Use {{{django.core.handlers.modpython}}} instead. We will be removing {{{django.core.handler}}} for Django's first release. == Changed ordering syntax == As of [292], syntax used for {{{order_by}}} (in the database API) and {{{ordering}}} (in models) has changed. Example of old ordering syntax: {{{order_by=[('foo', 'ASC'), ('bar', 'DESC')]}}} Example of new ordering syntax: {{{order_by=['foo', '-bar']}}} The old syntax is deprecated, and we'll stop supporting it for Django's first release. == Refactored meta.py == As of [378], {{{django/core/meta.py}}} has been converted to a package, {{{django/core/meta/}}}. If you're using a version of Django from before [378], make sure to delete {{{django/core/meta.pyc}}} and {{{django/core/meta.pyo}}}, if they exist. The existence of those files doesn't pose any known problems, but it's best to clean things up. == Changed edit_inline and edit_inline_type behavior == As of [440], using {{{edit_inline_type}}} in your models is deprecated, in favor of a less-redundant approach that uses {{{edit_inline}}} itself. Example of old syntax: {{{edit_inline=True, edit_inline_type=meta.TABULAR}}} Example of new syntax: {{{edit_inline=meta.TABULAR}}} We'll stop supporting the old syntax for Django's first release. == Changed admin log to store primary keys as TEXT fields, not INTEGER fields == As of [469], the {{{object_id}}} field in {{{django.models.auth.LogEntry}}} is a {{{TextField}}} instead of an {{{IntegerField}}}. We made this change to accomodate non-integer primary keys. If you're using a Django database installation from before [469] and you want to use non-integer primary keys on an object you edit in the admin site, you'll need to do an {{{ALTER TABLE}}} in your database. In PostgreSQL: {{{ BEGIN; ALTER TABLE auth_admin_log RENAME object_id TO object_id_old; ALTER TABLE auth_admin_log ADD COLUMN object_id TEXT; UPDATE auth_admin_log SET object_id = object_id_old; ALTER TABLE auth_admin_log DROP COLUMN object_id_old; COMMIT; }}} In MySQL: {{{ ALTER TABLE auth_admin_log MODIFY object_id TEXT; }}} == Added support for anonymous sessions == As of [518], Django has support for anonymous sessions. If you're using a Django database installation from before [518] and you want to use the Django admin, anonymous sessions or auth-based sessions, you'll need to make a few updates to your database and settings files. === Change your settings files === Add {{{"django.middleware.sessions.SessionMiddleware"}}} to the {{{MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES}}} tuple in your admin settings file. Make sure it appears before {{{"django.middleware.admin.AdminUserRequired"}}}. (The middleware classes are applied in order, and the admin middleware requires that the session middleware come first.) If you want session support any other (i.e., non-admin) Django installation, change the {{{MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES}}} setting accordingly. The order (i.e., whether it comes before or after the other installed middleware classes) doesn't matter. === Create the core_sessions database table === In PostgreSQL, use this: {{{ CREATE TABLE core_sessions ( session_key varchar(40) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, session_data text NOT NULL, expire_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO content_types (name, package, python_module_name) VALUES ('session', 'core', 'sessions'); }}} In MySQL and SQLite, use this: {{{ CREATE TABLE core_sessions ( session_key varchar(40) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, session_data text NOT NULL, expire_date datetime NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO content_types (name, package, python_module_name) VALUES ('session', 'core', 'sessions'); }}} === Remove old, unneeded things === Execute this SQL in your database: {{{ DROP TABLE auth_sessions; DELETE FROM content_types WHERE package = 'auth' AND python_module_name = 'sessions'; }}} Edit your settings file(s) to remove {{{AUTH_SESSION_COOKIE}}} and {{{REGISTRATION_COOKIE_DOMAIN}}}, if they exist. == Changed model syntax == As of [549], Django's model syntax has changed. If you're using models that use old (pre-[549]) syntax, you'll need to convert them according to the instructions on ModelSyntaxChangeInstructions. == Moved template loader module == As of [867], {{{django.core.template_loader}}} is deprecated. Use {{{django.core.template.loader}}} instead. == Refactored the admin app not to require its own settings file == As of an upcoming changeset, the admin will have been refactored, to make things simpler and tighter -- both conceptually and in code layout. === What changed === * The admin no longer requires its own settings file. The "main" site and admin site can run on the same Django installation. * All the admin code moved to {{{django/contrib/admin}}}. * The admin requires {{{"django.contrib.admin"}}} in {{{INSTALLED_APPS}}}, and it requires the {{{app_directories}}} [http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/templates_python/#loader-types template loader]. * The admin database table isn't installed unless you explicitly have the admin installed ({{{django-admin.py install admin}}}). * Renamed the admin log database table to give it a {{{"django"}}} prefix. === How to update your code === If you're using a Django installation from before this changeset, do the following to restore your admin site: * Execute this SQL command: {{{ALTER TABLE auth_admin_log RENAME TO django_admin_log;}}} * Edit your Django settings file (probably called {{{settings/main.py}}}) to make the following changes: * Add {{{"django.contrib.admin"}}} to {{{INSTALLED_APPS}}}. Order doesn't matter; it can be the first, last, whatever. * Remove {{{"django.middleware.admin.AdminUserRequired"}}} from {{{MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES}}}, if it's in there. * Add {{{"django.middleware.sessions.SessionMiddleware"}}} to {{{MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES}}}, if it's not already in there. * If you've created any custom admin templates, add the appropriate line from the admin {{{TEMPLATE_DIRS}}} setting to your "main" {{{TEMPLATE_DIRS}}}. * If you've created any custom admin templates, note that the template inheritance structure has changed. All admin templates are now within an {{{admin}}} subdirectory of the template directory. The following admin templates are directly affected by this change: * 400 --> admin/404 * 500 --> admin/500 * base --> admin/base * base_site --> admin/base_site * admin_object_history --> admin/object_history * delete_confirmation_generic --> admin/delete_confirmation * index --> admin/index * login --> admin/login * template_validator --> admin/template_validator * Add {{{"django.core.template.loaders.app_directories.load_template_source"}}} to {{{TEMPLATE_LOADERS}}}, after {{{"django.core.template.loaders.filesystem.load_template_source"}}}. If you don't have the {{{TEMPLATE_LOADERS}}} setting, set it to this: {{{ TEMPLATE_LOADERS = ( 'django.core.template.loaders.filesystem.load_template_source', 'django.core.template.loaders.app_directories.load_template_source', ) }}} * Remove your admin settings file (probably called {{{settings/admin.py}}}) and admin URLconf (probably called {{{settings/urls/admin.py}}}). * Delete {{{django/templatetags/*.pyc}}} and {{{django/templatetags/*.pyo}}}, just to be safe. * Edit your main URLconf (probably called {{{settings/urls/main.py}}}) and add this line: {{{ (r'^admin/', include('django.contrib.admin.urls.admin')), }}} Change that {{{"admin"}}} to whatever URL you were using for the admin site. The following steps are optional but will tighten your code up. All assume your project is called {{{myproject}}}. * Move {{{myproject/settings/urls/main.py}}} to {{{myproject/urls.py}}}. * Delete {{{myproject/settings/urls/admin.py}}} (unless you had custom things in it, of course). * Move {{{myproject/settings/main.py}}} to {{{myproject/settings.py}}}. * Edit {{{myproject/settings.py}}} to change {{{ROOT_URLCONF}} from {{{"myproject.settings.urls.main"}}} to {{{"myproject.urls"}}}.