= Automating an audit trail = As raised in [http://groups.google.com/group/django-developers/browse_thread/thread/ab7649e4abd4e589 a recent discussion on django-developers], this code is one solution for creating an audit trail for a given model. '''This is very much incomplete, and is intended to be used as a base to work from. See [#Caveats Caveats] below for more information.''' == Usage == Copy the code at the bottom of this article into a location of your choice. It's just a one-file utility, so it doesn't require an app directory or anything. The examples below assume it's called `audit.py` and is somewhere on your PYTHONPATH. In your models file, there are only a couple things to do. First, obviously you'll need to import your audit file, or possibly just get `AuditTrail` from within it. Then, add an `AuditTrail` to the model of your choice, assigning it to whatever name you like. That's the only thing necessary to set up the audit trail and get Python-level acecss to it. If you need to view the audit information in the admin interface, simply add `show_in_admin=True` as an argument to `AuditTrail`. {{{ #!python from django.db import models import audit class Person(models.Model): first_name = models.CharField(maxlength=255) last_name = models.CharField(maxlength=255) salary = models.PositiveIntegerField() history = audit.AuditTrail() def __str__(self): return "%s %s" % (self.first_name, self.last_name) }}} This simple addition will do the rest, allowing you to run `syncdb` and install the audit model. Once it's installed, the following code will work as shown below. As you will see, `Person.history` becomes a manager that's used to access the audit trail for a particular object. The type of manager available depends on how you access the audit trail. From an instance, the audit trail will automatically be filtered to only return results related to that instance. From the model class itself, the results will not be filtered in any way, and is the likely approach for doing reporting across several audited items. {{{ #!python >>> from myapp.models import Person >>> person = Person.objects.create(first_name='John', last_name='Public', salary=50000) >>> >>> person.history.count() 1 >>> person.salary = 65000 >>> person.save() >>> person.history.count() 2 >>> for item in person.history.all(): ... print "%s: %s" % (item, item.salary) John Public as of 2007-08-14 20:31:21.852000: 65000 John Public as of 2007-08-14 20:30:58.959000: 50000 >>> person2 = Person.objects.create(first_name='Tom', last_name='Smith', salary=25000) >>> person2 >>> person.history.count() 2 >>> person2.history.count() 1 >>> Person.history.count() 3 }}} As you can see, the audit trail is listed with the most recent state first. Each entry also inclues a timestamp when the edit took place. Saves and deletes are both tracked, and can be filtered on via {{{ Person.history.filter(_audit_change_type='_') }}}. Do not use underscore, use 'U' for inserts/updates, and 'D' for deletes. If #4879 lands, then we will be able to distinguish between inserts and updates, and at that point the audit trail will use 'I' for inserts and 'U' for updates. ForeignKeys and OneToOneFields are now supported both for saving and accessing the audit data. However, it does not archive the contents of the ForeignKey table for the appropriate entries at the same time, and will fail if the ForeignKey a given audit entry is related to is deleted (including if you're auditing the ForeignKey table as well, it does not have a way to link the two audit tables together). == Tracking Extra Information == Sometimes you need to track more information than is available in just the model. For instance, you may want to know who is performing the change on a particular entry, or track some sort of state information about the system. AuditTrail now supports this through the concept of "track fields". These can be specified on a per-model basis or a global basis, and the per-model options will stack with the global ones (but per-model options cannot override global ones currently). Here's an example: {{{ def some_callback(instance): return `random.randrange(1, 99)` + 'trackable_val' class Person(models.Model): first_name = models.CharField(maxlength=255) last_name = models.CharField(maxlength=255) salary = models.PositiveIntegerField() history = audit.AuditTrail(track_fields=(('extra_1', models.CharField(maxlength=50), 'hardcoded_value'), ('extra_2', models.CharField(maxlength=50), some_callback),)) def __str__(self): return "%s %s" % (self.first_name, self.last_name) }}} The track_fields is a tuple of 3-tuples. The 3-tuples are structured {{{ (field_name, type_of_field, value) }}}. `type_of_field` can be any currently functioning field type, although see the [#Caveats Caveats] for issues related to ForeignKeys. `value` can be either a static value or a callback function, which will get called at the time of the save/delete. This means that if you want to do something involving threadlocals at runtime (for getting things out of the request, for instance) you can do it via this callback. Assume we ran the example above with this new model. You could then do the following: {{{ >>> p_hist = person.history.all() [, ] >>> p_hist[0].extra_1 'hardcoded_value' >>> p_hist[0].extra_2 '27trackable_val' }}} Currently, you cannot filter on these trackable columns, this should be fixable. === Global Track Fields === What if you have a field you want tracked on every model that supports history? No problem! In the root of your project, create a file called settings_audit.py, and put something like this in it: {{{ from django.db import models def callback_func_ptr2(original_instance): import random return `random.randrange(1, 99)` + 'hardcoded_global_2' # Populate the fields that every Audit model in this app will use. GLOBAL_TRACK_FIELDS = ( ('global_1', models.CharField(maxlength=50), 'hardcoded_global_1'), ('global_2', models.CharField(maxlength=20), callback_func_ptr2), ) }}} GLOBAL_TRACK_FIELDS is set up exactly the same way as the track_fields option passed into AuditTrail, and has the same uses and limitations. == Caveats == This needs testing! This has only been used in a few cases, there's plenty of possible room for strangeness. It has specifically not been tested for things like safe (de-)serialization. In order to copy the fields from the original model to the audit model, it uses some hackery I'm not particularly proud of. It seems to work for all the cases I would have hoped it would, but it relies on the arguments passed to the Field class being named the same as the attributes stored on the Field object after it's created. If there's ever a time that's not the case, it will fail completely on that Field type. It fails completely on `ManyToManyField`s, something I've yet to remedy. That's definitely a must-have, but I haven't worked out the best way to go about it. And since this whole things isn't something I'm particularly interested in, I'm probably going to leave that up to somebody else to work out. It currently copies and overrides the model's `__str__` method, so that it can helpfully describe each entry in the audit history. This means, however, that if your `__str__` method relies on any ''other'' methods (such as `get_full_name` or similar), it won't work and will need to be adjusted. == Code == Hopefully there are enough comments to make sense of what's going on. More information can be found [http://gulopine.gamemusic.org/2007/08/dynamic-models-in-real-world.html here]. {{{ #!python from django.dispatch import dispatcher from django.db import models from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured import re import types try: import settings_audit except ImportError: settings_audit = None value_error_re = re.compile("^.+'(.+)'$") class AuditTrail(object): def __init__(self, show_in_admin=False, save_change_type=True, audit_deletes=True, track_fields=None): self.opts = {} self.opts['show_in_admin'] = show_in_admin self.opts['save_change_type'] = save_change_type self.opts['audit_deletes'] = audit_deletes if track_fields: self.opts['track_fields'] = track_fields else: self.opts['track_fields'] = [] def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name): # This should only get added once the class is otherwise complete def _contribute(sender): model = create_audit_model(sender, **self.opts) descriptor = AuditTrailDescriptor(model._default_manager, sender._meta.pk.attname) setattr(sender, name, descriptor) def _audit_track(instance, field_arr): field_name = field_arr[0] try: return getattr(instance, field_name) except: if len(field_arr) > 2: if callable(field_arr[2]): fn = field_arr[2] return fn(instance) else: return field_arr[2] def _audit(sender, instance): # Write model changes to the audit model. # instance is the current (non-audit) model. kwargs = {} for field in sender._meta.fields: #kwargs[field.attname] = getattr(instance, field.attname) kwargs[field.name] = getattr(instance, field.name) if self.opts['save_change_type']: kwargs['_audit_change_type'] = 'U' for field_arr in model._audit_track: kwargs[field_arr[0]] = _audit_track(instance, field_arr) model._default_manager.create(**kwargs) dispatcher.connect(_audit, signal=models.signals.post_save, sender=cls, weak=False) if self.opts['audit_deletes']: def _audit_delete(sender, instance): # Write model changes to the audit model kwargs = {} for field in sender._meta.fields: kwargs[field.name] = getattr(instance, field.name) if self.opts['save_change_type']: kwargs['_audit_change_type'] = 'D' for field_arr in model._audit_track: kwargs[field_arr[0]] = _audit_track(instance, field_arr) model._default_manager.create(**kwargs) dispatcher.connect(_audit_delete, signal=models.signals.pre_delete, sender=cls, weak=False) dispatcher.connect(_contribute, signal=models.signals.class_prepared, sender=cls, weak=False) class AuditTrailDescriptor(object): def __init__(self, manager, pk_attribute): self.manager = manager self.pk_attribute = pk_attribute def __get__(self, instance=None, owner=None): if instance == None: #raise AttributeError, "Audit trail is only accessible via %s instances." % type.__name__ return create_audit_manager_class(self.manager) else: return create_audit_manager_with_pk(self.manager, self.pk_attribute, instance._get_pk_val()) def __set__(self, instance, value): raise AttributeError, "Audit trail may not be edited in this manner." def create_audit_manager_with_pk(manager, pk_attribute, pk): """Create an audit trail manager based on the current object""" class AuditTrailWithPkManager(manager.__class__): def __init__(self): self.model = manager.model def get_query_set(self): return super(AuditTrailWithPkManager, self).get_query_set().filter(**{pk_attribute: pk}) return AuditTrailWithPkManager() def create_audit_manager_class(manager): """Create an audit trail manager based on the current object""" class AuditTrailManager(manager.__class__): def __init__(self): self.model = manager.model return AuditTrailManager() def create_audit_model(cls, **kwargs): """Create an audit model for the specific class""" name = cls.__name__ + 'Audit' class Meta: db_table = '%s_audit' % cls._meta.db_table verbose_name_plural = '%s audit trail' % cls._meta.verbose_name ordering = ['-_audit_timestamp'] # Set up a dictionary to simulate declarations within a class attrs = { '__module__': cls.__module__, 'Meta': Meta, '_audit_id': models.AutoField(primary_key=True), '_audit_timestamp': models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True), '_audit__str__': cls.__str__.im_func, '__str__': lambda self: '%s as of %s' % (self._audit__str__(), self._audit_timestamp), '_audit_track': _track_fields(track_fields=kwargs['track_fields'], unprocessed=True) } if 'save_change_type' in kwargs and kwargs['save_change_type']: attrs['_audit_change_type'] = models.CharField(maxlength=1) if 'show_in_admin' in kwargs and kwargs['show_in_admin']: # Enable admin integration class Admin: pass attrs['Admin'] = Admin # Copy the fields from the existing model to the audit model for field in cls._meta.fields: #if field.attname in attrs: if field.name in attrs: raise ImproperlyConfigured, "%s cannot use %s as it is needed by AuditTrail." % (cls.__name__, field.attname) #attrs[field.attname] = copy_field(field) attrs[field.name] = copy_field(field) for track_field in _track_fields(kwargs['track_fields']): if track_field['name'] in attrs: raise NameError('Field named "%s" already exists in audit version of %s' % (track_field['name'], cls.__name__)) attrs[track_field['name']] = copy_field(track_field['field']) return type(name, (models.Model,), attrs) def copy_field(field): """Copy an instantiated field to a new instantiated field""" if isinstance(field, models.AutoField): # Audit models have a separate AutoField return models.IntegerField(db_index=True, editable=False) copied_field = None cls = field.__class__ # Use the field's attributes to start with kwargs = field.__dict__.copy() # Swap primary keys for ordinary indexes if field.primary_key: kwargs['db_index'] = True del kwargs['primary_key'] # Some hackery to copy the field while copied_field is None: try: if isinstance(field, models.ForeignKey): copied_field = cls(field.rel.to, **kwargs) elif isinstance(field, models.OneToOneField): copied_field = models.ForeignKey(field.rel.to, **kwargs) else: copied_field = cls(**kwargs) except (TypeError, ValueError), e: # Some attributes, like creation_counter, aren't valid arguments # So try to remove that argument so the field can try again try: del kwargs[value_error_re.match(str(e)).group(1)] except: # The attribute was already removed, and something's still going wrong raise e return copied_field def _build_track_field(track_item): track = {} track['name'] = track_item[0] if isinstance(track_item[1], models.Field): track['field'] = track_item[1] elif issubclass(track_item[1], models.Model): track['field'] = models.ForeignKey(track_item[1]) else: raise TypeError('Track fields only support items that are Fields or Models.') return track def _track_fields(track_fields=None, unprocessed=False): # Add in the fields from the Audit class "track" attribute. tracks_found = [] if settings_audit: global_track_fields = getattr(settings_audit, 'GLOBAL_TRACK_FIELDS', []) for track_item in global_track_fields: if unprocessed: tracks_found.append(track_item) else: tracks_found.append(_build_track_field(track_item)) if track_fields: for track_item in track_fields: if unprocessed: tracks_found.append(track_item) else: tracks_found.append(_build_track_field(track_item)) return tracks_found }}}