= Add Dojo Editor = This document describes how to add the Dojo Rich Text Editor (Editor2) to the Django Admin-Interface. '''Unfortunately, multiple Editors on one site is currently not working with Editor2.''' == Install Dojo == Download [http://www.dojotoolkit.org Dojo] (kitchen sink) and install it on your webserver in /media/dojo/... == Add the javascript for loading the Editor == Save the following script as !AddRichTextEditing.js into /media/js/admin/ {{{ document.write(''); document.write(''); var AddEditor = { init: function() { var helptext = document.getElementsByTagName('p'); for (var i = 0, ht; ht = helptext[i]; i++) { if (ht.firstChild.data == "Rich Text Editing.") { ht.previousSibling.previousSibling.setAttribute("dojoType", "Editor2"); } } }, } addEvent(window, 'load', AddEditor.init); }}} This script looks for the help text "Rich Text Editing." and replaces the associated textarea with the Dojo-Editor. I´m using Editor2, because it´s loading much faster than Editor. == Define the models == Define your model like this (if you change the help_text make sure to change it in !AddRichTextEditing.js also): {{{ #!python body = models.TextField('Body', help_text='Rich Text Editing.', blank=True, null=True) ... class Admin: js = ['js/admin/AddRichTextEditing.js'] }}} that´s it. == Screenshot == [http://www.vonautomatisch.at/django/dojoeditor.jpg Screenshot (Preview)] == Some restrictions == * no XHTML support * doesn´t work with Safari * multiple editors on one site doesn´t work with Editor2. You have to use Editor instead (using Editor, your are not able to set specific heights for different textareas). == Hints == * Usually, the area for Rich Text Editing stretches vertically when adding content - if you want to have a scrollbar instead, set the "height" in /src/widget/RichText.js or add ht.previousSibling.previousSibling.setAttribute("height", "500px"); to the above script. * You may want to change the styles in order to integrate the RTE: use /src/widget/templates/HtmlEditorToolbar.css - be aware that these styles may clash with the django-styles. == Help == * some examples can be found in the [http://archive.dojotoolkit.org/ Dojo Nightly builds]. == Alternative version == Another way to do this is to use the fieldset support in the Admin interface, and set the CSS class for the fieldset to `wysiwyg`; see http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/model_api/#classes for more details on how to do this. Then use this version of `AddRichTextEditing.js`: {{{ document.write(''); document.write(''); var AddEditor = { init: function() { var fieldsets = document.getElementsByTagName('fieldset'); for (var i = 0, fs; fs = fieldsets[i]; i++) { var classes = fs.className || fs.getAttribute("class"); if ( (classes) && (classes.indexOf) && (classes.indexOf("wysiwyg") != -1) ) { var textareas = fs.getElementsByTagName('textarea'); for (var j = 0, ta; ta = textareas[j]; j++) { ta.setAttribute("dojoType", "Editor2"); } } } }, } addEvent(window, 'load', AddEditor.init); }}} This looks for all `fieldset`s with a `class` of `wysiwyg`, and then finds any contained `textarea`s and gives them a `dojoType="Editor2"` attribute. The value of `help_text` is unimportant and shows up as normal.