The exception is raised because in file django/contrib/admin/ the method lookup_allowed in class BaseModelAdmin will return 'False' for this filter query. This method receives value 'employee__person_ptr__exact' in paramter 'lookup'. The 'lookup' is splitted by the lookup_seperator ('--'). Code snippet: 209 parts = lookup.split(LOOKUP_SEP) So, 'parts' will now contain: ['employee', 'person_ptr', 'exact'] The last term is ignored since it is a query term. Code snippet: 211 # Last term in lookup is a query term (__exact, __startswith etc) 212 # This term can be ignored. 213 if len(parts) > 1 and parts[-1] in QUERY_TERMS: 214 parts.pop() Now 'parts' contains: ['employee', 'person_ptr'] The first element from 'parts' is tried to be a 'field' of the class. 'employee' indeed is, so the 'else' part of the exception handler is executed. A variable 'clean_lookup' is made which concats the two values of 'parts' together. 'clean_lookup' has the value 'employee__person_ptr'. This string is not included in 'list_filter' and not included in 'date_hierarchy'. So 'False' is returned. Lookup is not allowed. Code snippet: 235 try: 236 self.model._meta.get_field_by_name(parts[0]) 237 except FieldDoesNotExist: 238 # Lookups on non-existants fields are ok, since they're ignored 239 # later. 240 return True 241 else: 242 if len(parts) == 1: 243 return True 244 clean_lookup = LOOKUP_SEP.join(parts) 245 return clean_lookup in self.list_filter or clean_lookup == self.date_hierarchy