1 | Index: C:/MyStuff/projects/django-svn/trunk/django/core/db/__init__.py
2 | ===================================================================
3 | --- C:/MyStuff/projects/django-svn/trunk/django/core/db/__init__.py (revision 477)
4 | +++ C:/MyStuff/projects/django-svn/trunk/django/core/db/__init__.py (working copy)
5 | @@ -42,3 +42,4 @@
10 |
11 | Index: C:/MyStuff/projects/django-svn/trunk/django/core/db/backends/mysql.py
12 | ===================================================================
13 | --- C:/MyStuff/projects/django-svn/trunk/django/core/db/backends/mysql.py (revision 477)
14 | +++ C:/MyStuff/projects/django-svn/trunk/django/core/db/backends/mysql.py (working copy)
15 | @@ -146,3 +146,5 @@
16 | FIELD_TYPE.LONG_BLOB: 'TextField',
17 | FIELD_TYPE.VAR_STRING: 'CharField',
18 | }
19 | +
20 | +EMPTY_STR_EQUIV = ''
21 | \ No newline at end of file
22 |
23 |
24 | Index: C:/MyStuff/projects/django-svn/trunk/django/core/db/backends/postgresql.py
25 | ===================================================================
26 | --- C:/MyStuff/projects/django-svn/trunk/django/core/db/backends/postgresql.py (revision 477)
27 | +++ C:/MyStuff/projects/django-svn/trunk/django/core/db/backends/postgresql.py (working copy)
28 | @@ -177,3 +177,5 @@
29 | 1266: 'TimeField',
30 | 1700: 'FloatField',
31 | }
32 | +
33 | +EMPTY_STR_EQUIV = ''
34 | \ No newline at end of file
35 |
36 |
37 | Index: C:/MyStuff/projects/django-svn/trunk/django/core/db/backends/sqlite3.py
38 | ===================================================================
39 | --- C:/MyStuff/projects/django-svn/trunk/django/core/db/backends/sqlite3.py (revision 477)
40 | +++ C:/MyStuff/projects/django-svn/trunk/django/core/db/backends/sqlite3.py (working copy)
41 | @@ -165,3 +165,5 @@
42 | }
43 |
45 | +
46 | +EMPTY_STR_EQUIV = ''
47 | \ No newline at end of file
48 |
49 |
50 | Index: C:/MyStuff/projects/django-svn/trunk/django/core/management.py
51 | ===================================================================
52 | --- C:/MyStuff/projects/django-svn/trunk/django/core/management.py (revision 477)
53 | +++ C:/MyStuff/projects/django-svn/trunk/django/core/management.py (working copy)
54 | @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
55 | ADMIN_TEMPLATE_DIR = os.path.join(django.__path__[0], 'conf/admin_templates')
56 |
57 | def _get_packages_insert(app_label):
58 | - return "INSERT INTO packages (label, name) VALUES ('%s', '%s');" % (app_label, app_label)
59 | + return "INSERT INTO packages (label, name) VALUES ('%s', '%s')" % (app_label, app_label)
60 |
61 | def _get_permission_codename(action, opts):
62 | return '%s_%s' % (action, opts.object_name.lower())
63 | @@ -34,11 +34,11 @@
64 | return perms + list(opts.permissions)
65 |
66 | def _get_permission_insert(name, codename, opts):
67 | - return "INSERT INTO auth_permissions (name, package, codename) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s');" % \
68 | + return "INSERT INTO auth_permissions (name, package, codename) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')" % \
69 | (name.replace("'", "''"), opts.app_label, codename)
70 |
71 | def _get_contenttype_insert(opts):
72 | - return "INSERT INTO content_types (name, package, python_module_name) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s');" % \
73 | + return "INSERT INTO content_types (name, package, python_module_name) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')" % \
74 | (opts.verbose_name, opts.app_label, opts.module_name)
75 |
76 | def _is_valid_dir_name(s):
77 | @@ -85,9 +85,26 @@
78 | full_statement = ['CREATE TABLE %s (' % opts.db_table]
79 | for i, line in enumerate(table_output): # Combine and add commas.
80 | full_statement.append(' %s%s' % (line, i < len(table_output)-1 and ',' or ''))
81 | - full_statement.append(');')
82 | + full_statement.append(')')
83 | final_output.append('\n'.join(full_statement))
84 | +
85 | + if (db.DATABASE_ENGINE == 'oracle') & (opts.has_auto_field):
86 | + # To simulate auto-incrementing primary keys in Oracle
87 | +
88 | + sequence_statement = 'CREATE SEQUENCE %s_sq\n' % opts.db_table
89 | + final_output.append(sequence_statement)
90 | +
91 | + trigger_statement = "" + \
92 | + "CREATE OR REPLACE trigger %s_tr\n" % opts.db_table + \
93 | + " before insert on %s\n" % opts.db_table + \
94 | + " for each row\n" + \
95 | + " begin\n" + \
96 | + " select %s_sq.NEXTVAL into :new.id from DUAL;\n" % opts.db_table + \
97 | + " end;\n"
98 | + final_output.append(trigger_statement)
99 | +
100 |
101 | +
102 | for klass in mod._MODELS:
103 | opts = klass._meta
104 | for f in opts.many_to_many:
105 | @@ -98,8 +115,22 @@
106 | table_output.append(' %s_id %s NOT NULL REFERENCES %s (%s),' % \
107 | (f.rel.to.object_name.lower(), db.DATA_TYPES['IntegerField'], f.rel.to.db_table, f.rel.to.pk.name))
108 | table_output.append(' UNIQUE (%s_id, %s_id)' % (opts.object_name.lower(), f.rel.to.object_name.lower()))
109 | - table_output.append(');')
110 | + table_output.append(')')
111 | final_output.append('\n'.join(table_output))
112 | +
113 | + if (db.DATABASE_ENGINE == 'oracle') & (opts.has_auto_field):
114 | + sequence_statement = 'CREATE SEQUENCE %s_sq\n' % f.get_m2m_db_table(opts)
115 | + final_output.append(sequence_statement)
116 | +
117 | + trigger_statement = "" + \
118 | + "CREATE OR REPLACE trigger %s_tr\n" % f.get_m2m_db_table(opts) + \
119 | + " before insert on %s\n" % f.get_m2m_db_table(opts) + \
120 | + " for each row\n" + \
121 | + " begin\n" + \
122 | + " select %s_sq.NEXTVAL into :new.id from DUAL;\n" % f.get_m2m_db_table(opts) + \
123 | + " end;\n"
124 | + final_output.append(trigger_statement)
125 | +
126 | return final_output
127 | get_sql_create.help_doc = "Prints the CREATE TABLE SQL statements for the given app(s)."
128 | get_sql_create.args = APP_ARGS
129 | @@ -116,23 +147,27 @@
130 | try:
131 | if cursor is not None:
132 | # Check whether the table exists.
133 | - cursor.execute("SELECT 1 FROM %s LIMIT 1" % klass._meta.db_table)
134 | + cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM %s" % klass._meta.db_table)
135 | except:
136 | # The table doesn't exist, so it doesn't need to be dropped.
137 | db.db.rollback()
138 | else:
139 | output.append("DROP TABLE %s;" % klass._meta.db_table)
140 | + if db.DATABASE_ENGINE == 'oracle':
141 | + output.append("DROP SEQUENCE %s_sq" % klass._meta.db_table)
142 | +
143 | for klass in mod._MODELS:
144 | opts = klass._meta
145 | for f in opts.many_to_many:
146 | try:
147 | if cursor is not None:
148 | - cursor.execute("SELECT 1 FROM %s LIMIT 1" % f.get_m2m_db_table(opts))
149 | + cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM %s" % f.get_m2m_db_table(opts))
150 | except:
151 | db.db.rollback()
152 | else:
153 | output.append("DROP TABLE %s;" % f.get_m2m_db_table(opts))
154 | -
155 | + if db.DATABASE_ENGINE == 'oracle':
156 | + output.append("DROP SEQUENCE %s_sq" % f.get_m2m_db_table(opts))
157 | app_label = mod._MODELS[0]._meta.app_label
158 |
159 | # Delete from packages, auth_permissions, content_types.
160 | @@ -181,12 +216,15 @@
161 |
162 | def get_sql_sequence_reset(mod):
163 | "Returns a list of the SQL statements to reset PostgreSQL sequences for the given module."
164 | - from django.core import meta
165 | + from django.core import db, meta
166 | output = []
167 | for klass in mod._MODELS:
168 | for f in klass._meta.fields:
169 | if isinstance(f, meta.AutoField):
170 | - output.append("SELECT setval('%s_%s_seq', (SELECT max(%s) FROM %s));" % (klass._meta.db_table, f.name, f.name, klass._meta.db_table))
171 | + if db.DATABASE_ENGINE == 'postgresql':
172 | + output.append("SELECT setval('%s_%s_seq', (SELECT max(%s) FROM %s));" % (klass._meta.db_table, f.name, f.name, klass._meta.db_table))
173 | + else:
174 | + raise "Not implemented yet for %s!" % (db.DATABASE_ENGINE)
175 | return output
176 | get_sql_sequence_reset.help_doc = "Prints the SQL statements for resetting PostgreSQL sequences for the given app(s)."
177 | get_sql_sequence_reset.args = APP_ARGS
178 |
179 |
180 | Index: C:/MyStuff/projects/django-svn/trunk/django/core/meta/__init__.py
181 | ===================================================================
182 | --- C:/MyStuff/projects/django-svn/trunk/django/core/meta/__init__.py (revision 477)
183 | +++ C:/MyStuff/projects/django-svn/trunk/django/core/meta/__init__.py (working copy)
184 | @@ -1045,8 +1045,8 @@
185 | kwargs['select'] = kwargs.get('select', {}).items()
186 |
187 | cursor = db.db.cursor()
188 | - select, sql, params = function_get_sql_clause(opts, **kwargs)
189 | - cursor.execute("SELECT " + (kwargs.get('distinct') and "DISTINCT " or "") + ",".join(select) + sql, params)
190 | + select, sql, params, full_query = function_get_sql_clause(opts, **kwargs)
191 | + cursor.execute(full_query, params)
192 | fill_cache = kwargs.get('select_related')
193 | index_end = len(opts.fields)
194 | while 1:
195 | @@ -1070,7 +1070,7 @@
196 | kwargs['offset'] = None
197 | kwargs['limit'] = None
198 | kwargs['select_related'] = False
199 | - _, sql, params = function_get_sql_clause(opts, **kwargs)
200 | + _, sql, params, full_query = function_get_sql_clause(opts, **kwargs)
201 | cursor = db.db.cursor()
202 | cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*)" + sql, params)
203 | return cursor.fetchone()[0]
204 | @@ -1087,7 +1087,7 @@
205 | fields = [f.name for f in opts.fields]
206 |
207 | cursor = db.db.cursor()
208 | - _, sql, params = function_get_sql_clause(opts, **kwargs)
209 | + _, sql, params, full_query = function_get_sql_clause(opts, **kwargs)
210 | select = ['%s.%s' % (opts.db_table, f) for f in fields]
211 | cursor.execute("SELECT " + (kwargs.get('distinct') and "DISTINCT " or "") + ",".join(select) + sql, params)
212 | while 1:
213 | @@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@
214 | db_table = new_prefix
215 | cache_tables_seen.append(db_table)
216 | where.append('%s.%s = %s.%s' % (old_prefix, f.name, db_table, f.rel.field_name))
217 | - select.extend(['%s.%s' % (db_table, f2.name) for f2 in f.rel.to.fields])
218 | + select.extend(['%s.%s as "%s.%s"' % (db_table, f2.name, db_table, f2.name) for f2 in f.rel.to.fields])
219 | _fill_table_cache(f.rel.to, select, tables, where, db_table, cache_tables_seen)
220 |
221 | def _throw_bad_kwarg_error(kwarg):
222 | @@ -1266,16 +1266,58 @@
223 | order_by.append('%s%s ASC' % (table_prefix, f))
224 | order_by = ", ".join(order_by)
225 |
226 | - # LIMIT and OFFSET clauses
227 | - if kwargs.get('limit') is not None:
228 | - limit_sql = " LIMIT %s " % kwargs['limit']
229 | - if kwargs.get('offset') is not None and kwargs['offset'] != 0:
230 | - limit_sql += "OFFSET %s " % kwargs['offset']
231 | +
232 | + sql = " FROM " + ",".join(tables) + (where and " WHERE " + " AND ".join(where) or "") + (order_by and " ORDER BY " + order_by or "")
233 | +
234 | + if (db.DATABASE_ENGINE != 'oracle'):
235 | + # LIMIT and OFFSET clauses
236 | + if kwargs.get('limit') is not None:
237 | + limit_sql = " LIMIT %s " % kwargs['limit']
238 | + if kwargs.get('offset') is not None and kwargs['offset'] != 0:
239 | + limit_sql += "OFFSET %s " % kwargs['offset']
240 | + else:
241 | + limit_sql = ""
242 | +
243 | + full_query = "SELECT " + (kwargs.get('distinct') and "DISTINCT " or "") + ",".join(select) + sql + limit_sql
244 | + return select, sql + limit_sql, params, full_query
245 | else:
246 | - limit_sql = ""
247 | + # To support limits and offsets, Oracle requires some funky rewriting of an otherwise normal looking query.
248 | +
249 | + select_clause = ",".join(select)
250 | + distinct = (kwargs.get('distinct') and "DISTINCT " or "")
251 | + from_clause = ",".join(tables)
252 | + where_clause = (where and " WHERE " + " AND ".join(where) or "")
253 | +
254 | + if order_by:
255 | + order_by_clause = " OVER (ORDER BY %s )" % (order_by)
256 | + else:
257 | + #Oracle's row_number() function always requires an order-by clause.
258 | + #So we need to define a default order-by, since none was provided.
259 | + order_by_clause = " OVER (ORDER BY %s.%s)" % (opts.db_table, opts.fields[0].name)
260 | +
261 | + # limit_and_offset_clause
262 | + limit = kwargs.get('limit',0)
263 | + offset = kwargs.get('offset',0)
264 | +
265 | + limit_and_offset_clause = ''
266 | + if limit:
267 | + limit = int(limit)
268 | + offset = int(offset)
269 | + limit_and_offset_clause = "WHERE rn > %s AND rn <= %s" % (offset, limit+offset)
270 | + else:
271 | + limit_and_offset_clause = "WHERE rn > %s" % (offset)
272 | +
273 | + full_query = """SELECT * FROM
274 | + (SELECT %s
275 | + %s,
276 | + ROW_NUMBER() %s AS rn
277 | + FROM %s
278 | + %s
279 | + )
280 | + %s
281 | + """ % (distinct, select_clause, order_by_clause, from_clause, where_clause, limit_and_offset_clause)
282 | + return select, sql, params, full_query
283 |
284 | - return select, " FROM " + ",".join(tables) + (where and " WHERE " + " AND ".join(where) or "") + (order_by and " ORDER BY " + order_by or "") + limit_sql, params
285 | -
286 | def function_get_in_bulk(opts, klass, *args, **kwargs):
287 | id_list = args and args[0] or kwargs['id_list']
288 | assert id_list != [], "get_in_bulk() cannot be passed an empty list."
289 | @@ -1300,7 +1342,7 @@
290 | kwargs['order_by'] = [] # Clear this because it'll mess things up otherwise.
291 | if field.null:
292 | kwargs.setdefault('where', []).append('%s.%s IS NOT NULL' % (opts.db_table, field.name))
293 | - select, sql, params = function_get_sql_clause(opts, **kwargs)
294 | + select, sql, params, full_query = function_get_sql_clause(opts, **kwargs)
295 | sql = 'SELECT %s %s GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1' % (db.get_date_trunc_sql(kind, '%s.%s' % (opts.db_table, field.name)), sql)
296 | cursor = db.db.cursor()
297 | cursor.execute(sql, params)
298 |
299 |
300 | Index: C:/MyStuff/projects/django-svn/trunk/django/core/meta/fields.py
301 | ===================================================================
302 | --- C:/MyStuff/projects/django-svn/trunk/django/core/meta/fields.py (revision 477)
303 | +++ C:/MyStuff/projects/django-svn/trunk/django/core/meta/fields.py (working copy)
304 | @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
305 | from django.conf import settings
306 | from django.core import formfields, validators
307 | +from django.core import db
308 | from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
309 | from django.utils.functional import curry
310 | from django.utils.text import capfirst
311 | @@ -88,6 +89,12 @@
312 |
313 | def get_db_prep_save(self, value):
314 | "Returns field's value prepared for saving into a database."
315 | +
316 | + # Oracle treats empty strings ('') the same as NULLs.
317 | + # To get around this wart, we need to change it to something else...
318 | + if value == '':
319 | + string_replacement = getattr(db,'EMPTY_STR_EQUIV','')
320 | + value = string_replacement
321 | return value
322 |
323 | def get_db_prep_lookup(self, lookup_type, value):
324 | @@ -255,6 +262,14 @@
325 | kwargs['blank'] = True
326 | Field.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
327 |
328 | + def get_db_prep_lookup(self, lookup_type, value):
329 | + if db.DATABASE_ENGINE == 'oracle':
330 | + if value == 'True':
331 | + value = 1
332 | + elif value == 'False':
333 | + value = 0
334 | + return Field.get_db_prep_lookup(self, lookup_type, value)
335 | +
336 | def get_manipulator_field_objs(self):
337 | return [formfields.CheckboxField]
338 |
339 | @@ -289,7 +304,9 @@
340 | def get_db_prep_save(self, value):
341 | # Casts dates into string format for entry into database.
342 | if value is not None:
343 | - value = value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
344 | + if db.DATABASE_ENGINE != 'oracle':
345 | + #Oracle does not need a string conversion
346 | + value = value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
347 | return Field.get_db_prep_save(self, value)
348 |
349 | def get_manipulator_field_objs(self):
350 | @@ -299,7 +316,9 @@
351 | def get_db_prep_save(self, value):
352 | # Casts dates into string format for entry into database.
353 | if value is not None:
354 | - value = value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
355 | + if db.DATABASE_ENGINE != 'oracle':
356 | + #Oracle does not need a string conversion
357 | + value = value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
358 | return Field.get_db_prep_save(self, value)
359 |
360 | def get_manipulator_field_objs(self):
361 | @@ -493,7 +512,9 @@
362 | def get_db_prep_save(self, value):
363 | # Casts dates into string format for entry into database.
364 | if value is not None:
365 | - value = value.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
366 | + if db.DATABASE_ENGINE != 'oracle':
367 | + #Oracle does not need a string conversion
368 | + value = value.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
369 | return Field.get_db_prep_save(self, value)
370 |
371 | def get_manipulator_field_objs(self):
372 |