Ticket #87: __init__.2.py

File __init__.2.py, 77.0 KB (added by Jason Huggins, 19 years ago)


1from django.conf import settings
2from django.core import formfields, validators
3from django.core import db
4from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
5from django.core.meta.fields import *
6from django.utils.functional import curry
7from django.utils.text import capfirst
8import copy, datetime, os, re, sys, types
10# Admin stages.
11ADD, CHANGE, BOTH = 1, 2, 3
13# Size of each "chunk" for get_iterator calls.
14# Larger values are slightly faster at the expense of more storage space.
17# Prefix (in Python path style) to location of models.
18MODEL_PREFIX = 'django.models'
20# Methods on models with the following prefix will be removed and
21# converted to module-level functions.
24# Methods on models with the following prefix will be removed and
25# converted to manipulator methods.
34# Django currently supports two forms of ordering.
35# Form 1 (deprecated) example:
36# order_by=(('pub_date', 'DESC'), ('headline', 'ASC'), (None, 'RANDOM'))
37# Form 2 (new-style) example:
38# order_by=('-pub_date', 'headline', '?')
39# Form 1 is deprecated and will no longer be supported for Django's first
40# official release. The following code converts from Form 1 to Form 2.
42LEGACY_ORDERING_MAPPING = {'ASC': '_', 'DESC': '-_', 'RANDOM': '?'}
44def handle_legacy_orderlist(order_list):
45 if not order_list or isinstance(order_list[0], basestring):
46 return order_list
47 else:
48 import warnings
49 new_order_list = [LEGACY_ORDERING_MAPPING[j.upper()].replace('_', str(i)) for i, j in order_list]
50 warnings.warn("%r ordering syntax is deprecated. Use %r instead." % (order_list, new_order_list), DeprecationWarning)
51 return new_order_list
53def orderlist2sql(order_list, prefix=''):
54 output = []
55 for f in handle_legacy_orderlist(order_list):
56 if f.startswith('-'):
57 output.append('%s%s DESC' % (prefix, f[1:]))
58 elif f == '?':
59 output.append('RANDOM()')
60 else:
61 output.append('%s%s ASC' % (prefix, f))
62 return ', '.join(output)
64def get_module(app_label, module_name):
65 return __import__('%s.%s.%s' % (MODEL_PREFIX, app_label, module_name), '', '', [''])
67def get_app(app_label):
68 return __import__('%s.%s' % (MODEL_PREFIX, app_label), '', '', [''])
70_installed_models_cache = None
71def get_installed_models():
72 """
73 Returns a list of installed "models" packages, such as foo.models,
74 ellington.news.models, etc. This does NOT include django.models.
75 """
76 global _installed_models_cache
77 if _installed_models_cache is not None:
78 return _installed_models_cache
79 _installed_models_cache = []
80 for a in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
81 try:
82 _installed_models_cache.append(__import__(a + '.models', '', '', ['']))
83 except ImportError:
84 pass
85 return _installed_models_cache
87_installed_modules_cache = None
88def get_installed_model_modules(core_models=None):
89 """
90 Returns a list of installed models, such as django.models.core,
91 ellington.news.models.news, foo.models.bar, etc.
92 """
93 global _installed_modules_cache
94 if _installed_modules_cache is not None:
95 return _installed_modules_cache
96 _installed_modules_cache = []
98 # django.models is a special case.
99 for submodule in (core_models or []):
100 _installed_modules_cache.append(__import__('django.models.%s' % submodule, '', '', ['']))
101 for m in get_installed_models():
102 for submodule in getattr(m, '__all__', []):
103 mod = __import__('django.models.%s' % submodule, '', '', [''])
104 try:
105 mod._MODELS
106 except AttributeError:
107 pass # Skip model modules that don't actually have models in them.
108 else:
109 _installed_modules_cache.append(mod)
110 return _installed_modules_cache
112class LazyDate:
113 """
114 Use in limit_choices_to to compare the field to dates calculated at run time
115 instead of when the model is loaded. For example::
117 ... limit_choices_to = {'date__gt' : meta.LazyDate(days=-3)} ...
119 which will limit the choices to dates greater than three days ago.
120 """
121 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
122 self.delta = datetime.timedelta(**kwargs)
124 def __str__(self):
125 return str(self.__get_value__())
127 def __repr__(self):
128 return "<LazyDate: %s>" % self.delta
130 def __get_value__(self):
131 return datetime.datetime.now() + self.delta
137class FieldDoesNotExist(Exception):
138 pass
140class BadKeywordArguments(Exception):
141 pass
143class Options:
144 def __init__(self, module_name='', verbose_name='', verbose_name_plural='', db_table='',
145 fields=None, ordering=None, unique_together=None, admin=None, has_related_links=False,
146 where_constraints=None, object_name=None, app_label=None,
147 exceptions=None, permissions=None, get_latest_by=None,
148 order_with_respect_to=None, module_constants=None):
150 # Save the original function args, for use by copy(). Note that we're
151 # NOT using copy.deepcopy(), because that would create a new copy of
152 # everything in memory, and it's better to conserve memory. Of course,
153 # this comes with the important gotcha that changing any attribute of
154 # this object will change its value in self._orig_init_args, so we
155 # need to be careful not to do that. In practice, we can pull this off
156 # because Options are generally read-only objects, and __init__() is
157 # the only place where its attributes are manipulated.
159 # locals() is used purely for convenience, so we don't have to do
160 # something verbose like this:
161 # self._orig_init_args = {
162 # 'module_name': module_name,
163 # 'verbose_name': verbose_name,
164 # ...
165 # }
166 self._orig_init_args = locals()
167 del self._orig_init_args['self'] # because we don't care about it.
169 # Move many-to-many related fields from self.fields into self.many_to_many.
170 self.fields, self.many_to_many = [], []
171 for field in (fields or []):
172 if field.rel and isinstance(field.rel, ManyToMany):
173 self.many_to_many.append(field)
174 else:
175 self.fields.append(field)
176 self.module_name, self.verbose_name = module_name, verbose_name
177 self.verbose_name_plural = verbose_name_plural or verbose_name + 's'
178 self.db_table, self.has_related_links = db_table, has_related_links
179 self.ordering = ordering or []
180 self.unique_together = unique_together or []
181 self.where_constraints = where_constraints or []
182 self.exceptions = exceptions or []
183 self.permissions = permissions or []
184 self.object_name, self.app_label = object_name, app_label
185 self.get_latest_by = get_latest_by
186 if order_with_respect_to:
187 self.order_with_respect_to = self.get_field(order_with_respect_to)
188 self.ordering = ('_order',)
189 else:
190 self.order_with_respect_to = None
191 self.module_constants = module_constants or {}
192 self.admin = admin
194 # Calculate one_to_one_field.
195 self.one_to_one_field = None
196 for f in self.fields:
197 if isinstance(f.rel, OneToOne):
198 self.one_to_one_field = f
199 break
200 # Cache the primary-key field.
201 self.pk = None
202 for f in self.fields:
203 if f.primary_key:
204 self.pk = f
205 break
206 # If a primary_key field hasn't been specified, add an
207 # auto-incrementing primary-key ID field automatically.
208 if self.pk is None:
209 self.fields.insert(0, AutoField('id', 'ID', primary_key=True))
210 self.pk = self.fields[0]
211 # Cache whether this has an AutoField.
212 self.has_auto_field = False
213 for f in self.fields:
214 is_auto = isinstance(f, AutoField)
215 if is_auto and self.has_auto_field:
216 raise AssertionError, "A model can't have more than one AutoField."
217 elif is_auto:
218 self.has_auto_field = True
220 def __repr__(self):
221 return '<Options for %s>' % self.module_name
223 def copy(self, **kwargs):
224 args = self._orig_init_args.copy()
225 args.update(kwargs)
226 return self.__class__(**args)
228 def get_model_module(self):
229 return get_module(self.app_label, self.module_name)
231 def get_content_type_id(self):
232 "Returns the content-type ID for this object type."
233 if not hasattr(self, '_content_type_id'):
234 mod = get_module('core', 'contenttypes')
235 self._content_type_id = mod.get_object(python_module_name__exact=self.module_name, package__label__exact=self.app_label).id
236 return self._content_type_id
238 def get_field(self, name, many_to_many=True):
239 """
240 Returns the requested field by name. Raises FieldDoesNotExist on error.
241 """
242 to_search = many_to_many and (self.fields + self.many_to_many) or self.fields
243 for f in to_search:
244 if f.name == name:
245 return f
246 raise FieldDoesNotExist, "name=%s" % name
248 def get_order_sql(self, table_prefix=''):
249 "Returns the full 'ORDER BY' clause for this object, according to self.ordering."
250 if not self.ordering: return ''
251 pre = table_prefix and (table_prefix + '.') or ''
252 return 'ORDER BY ' + orderlist2sql(self.ordering, pre)
254 def get_add_permission(self):
255 return 'add_%s' % self.object_name.lower()
257 def get_change_permission(self):
258 return 'change_%s' % self.object_name.lower()
260 def get_delete_permission(self):
261 return 'delete_%s' % self.object_name.lower()
263 def get_rel_object_method_name(self, rel_opts, rel_field):
264 # This method encapsulates the logic that decides what name to give a
265 # method that retrieves related many-to-one objects. Usually it just
266 # uses the lower-cased object_name, but if the related object is in
267 # another app, its app_label is appended.
268 #
269 # Examples:
270 #
271 # # Normal case -- a related object in the same app.
272 # # This method returns "choice".
273 # Poll.get_choice_list()
274 #
275 # # A related object in a different app.
276 # # This method returns "lcom_bestofaward".
277 # Place.get_lcom_bestofaward_list() # "lcom_bestofaward"
278 rel_obj_name = rel_field.rel.related_name or rel_opts.object_name.lower()
279 if self.app_label != rel_opts.app_label:
280 rel_obj_name = '%s_%s' % (rel_opts.app_label, rel_obj_name)
281 return rel_obj_name
283 def get_all_related_objects(self):
284 try: # Try the cache first.
285 return self._all_related_objects
286 except AttributeError:
287 module_list = get_installed_model_modules()
288 rel_objs = []
289 for mod in module_list:
290 for klass in mod._MODELS:
291 for f in klass._meta.fields:
292 if f.rel and self == f.rel.to:
293 rel_objs.append((klass._meta, f))
294 if self.has_related_links:
295 # Manually add RelatedLink objects, which are a special case.
296 core = get_module('relatedlinks', 'relatedlinks')
297 # Note that the copy() is very important -- otherwise any
298 # subsequently loaded object with related links will override this
299 # relationship we're adding.
300 link_field = copy.copy(core.RelatedLink._meta.get_field('object_id'))
301 link_field.rel = ManyToOne(self.get_model_module().Klass, 'related_links', 'id',
302 num_in_admin=3, min_num_in_admin=3, edit_inline=TABULAR,
303 lookup_overrides={
304 'content_type__package__label__exact': self.app_label,
305 'content_type__python_module_name__exact': self.module_name
306 })
307 rel_objs.append((core.RelatedLink._meta, link_field))
308 self._all_related_objects = rel_objs
309 return rel_objs
311 def get_inline_related_objects(self):
312 return [(a, b) for a, b in self.get_all_related_objects() if b.rel.edit_inline]
314 def get_all_related_many_to_many_objects(self):
315 module_list = get_installed_model_modules()
316 rel_objs = []
317 for mod in module_list:
318 for klass in mod._MODELS:
319 try:
320 for f in klass._meta.many_to_many:
321 if f.rel and self == f.rel.to:
322 rel_objs.append((klass._meta, f))
323 raise StopIteration
324 except StopIteration:
325 continue
326 return rel_objs
328 def get_ordered_objects(self):
329 "Returns a list of Options objects that are ordered with respect to this object."
330 if not hasattr(self, '_ordered_objects'):
331 objects = []
332 for klass in get_app(self.app_label)._MODELS:
333 opts = klass._meta
334 if opts.order_with_respect_to and opts.order_with_respect_to.rel \
335 and self == opts.order_with_respect_to.rel.to:
336 objects.append(opts)
337 self._ordered_objects = objects
338 return self._ordered_objects
340 def has_field_type(self, field_type):
341 """
342 Returns True if this object's admin form has at least one of the given
343 field_type (e.g. FileField).
344 """
345 if not hasattr(self, '_field_types'):
346 self._field_types = {}
347 if not self._field_types.has_key(field_type):
348 try:
349 # First check self.fields.
350 for f in self.fields:
351 if isinstance(f, field_type):
352 raise StopIteration
353 # Failing that, check related fields.
354 for rel_obj, rel_field in self.get_inline_related_objects():
355 for f in rel_obj.fields:
356 if isinstance(f, field_type):
357 raise StopIteration
358 except StopIteration:
359 self._field_types[field_type] = True
360 else:
361 self._field_types[field_type] = False
362 return self._field_types[field_type]
364def _reassign_globals(function_dict, extra_globals, namespace):
365 new_functions = {}
366 for k, v in function_dict.items():
367 # Get the code object.
368 code = v.func_code
369 # Recreate the function, but give it access to extra_globals and the
370 # given namespace's globals, too.
371 new_globals = {'__builtins__': __builtins__, 'db': db.db, 'datetime': datetime}
372 new_globals.update(extra_globals.__dict__)
373 func = types.FunctionType(code, globals=new_globals, name=k, argdefs=v.func_defaults)
374 func.__dict__.update(v.__dict__)
375 setattr(namespace, k, func)
376 # For all of the custom functions that have been added so far, give
377 # them access to the new function we've just created.
378 for new_k, new_v in new_functions.items():
379 new_v.func_globals[k] = func
380 new_functions[k] = func
382class ModelBase(type):
383 "Metaclass for all models"
384 def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
385 # If this isn't a subclass of Model, don't do anything special.
386 if not bases:
387 return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
389 # If this model is a subclass of another Model, create an Options
390 # object by first copying the base class's _meta and then updating it
391 # with the overrides from this class.
392 replaces_module = None
393 if bases[0] != Model:
394 if not attrs.has_key('fields'):
395 attrs['fields'] = list(bases[0]._meta._orig_init_args['fields'][:])
396 if attrs.has_key('ignore_fields'):
397 ignore_fields = attrs.pop('ignore_fields')
398 new_fields = []
399 for i, f in enumerate(attrs['fields']):
400 if f.name not in ignore_fields:
401 new_fields.append(f)
402 attrs['fields'] = new_fields
403 if attrs.has_key('add_fields'):
404 attrs['fields'].extend(attrs.pop('add_fields'))
405 if attrs.has_key('replaces_module'):
406 # Set the replaces_module variable for now. We can't actually
407 # do anything with it yet, because the module hasn't yet been
408 # created.
409 replaces_module = attrs.pop('replaces_module').split('.')
410 # Pass any Options overrides to the base's Options instance, and
411 # simultaneously remove them from attrs. When this is done, attrs
412 # will be a dictionary of custom methods, plus __module__.
413 meta_overrides = {}
414 for k, v in attrs.items():
415 if not callable(v) and k != '__module__':
416 meta_overrides[k] = attrs.pop(k)
417 opts = bases[0]._meta.copy(**meta_overrides)
418 opts.object_name = name
419 del meta_overrides
420 else:
421 opts = Options(
422 # If the module_name wasn't given, use the class name
423 # in lowercase, plus a trailing "s" -- a poor-man's
424 # pluralization.
425 module_name = attrs.pop('module_name', name.lower() + 's'),
426 # If the verbose_name wasn't given, use the class name,
427 # converted from InitialCaps to "lowercase with spaces".
428 verbose_name = attrs.pop('verbose_name',
429 re.sub('([A-Z])', ' \\1', name).lower().strip()),
430 verbose_name_plural = attrs.pop('verbose_name_plural', ''),
431 db_table = attrs.pop('db_table', ''),
432 fields = attrs.pop('fields'),
433 ordering = attrs.pop('ordering', None),
434 unique_together = attrs.pop('unique_together', None),
435 admin = attrs.pop('admin', None),
436 has_related_links = attrs.pop('has_related_links', False),
437 where_constraints = attrs.pop('where_constraints', None),
438 object_name = name,
439 app_label = attrs.pop('app_label', None),
440 exceptions = attrs.pop('exceptions', None),
441 permissions = attrs.pop('permissions', None),
442 get_latest_by = attrs.pop('get_latest_by', None),
443 order_with_respect_to = attrs.pop('order_with_respect_to', None),
444 module_constants = attrs.pop('module_constants', None),
445 )
447 # Dynamically create the module that will contain this class and its
448 # associated helper functions.
449 if replaces_module is not None:
450 new_mod = get_module(*replaces_module)
451 else:
452 new_mod = types.ModuleType(opts.module_name)
454 # Collect any/all custom class methods and module functions, and move
455 # them to a temporary holding variable. We'll deal with them later.
456 if replaces_module is not None:
457 # Initialize these values to the base class' custom_methods and
458 # custom_functions.
459 custom_methods = dict([(k, v) for k, v in new_mod.Klass.__dict__.items() if hasattr(v, 'custom')])
460 custom_functions = dict([(k, v) for k, v in new_mod.__dict__.items() if hasattr(v, 'custom')])
461 else:
462 custom_methods, custom_functions = {}, {}
463 manipulator_methods = {}
464 for k, v in attrs.items():
465 if k in ('__module__', '__init__', '_overrides', '__doc__'):
466 continue # Skip the important stuff.
467 # Give the function a function attribute "custom" to designate that
468 # it's a custom function/method.
469 v.custom = True
470 if k.startswith(MODEL_FUNCTIONS_PREFIX):
471 custom_functions[k[len(MODEL_FUNCTIONS_PREFIX):]] = v
472 elif k.startswith(MANIPULATOR_FUNCTIONS_PREFIX):
473 manipulator_methods[k[len(MANIPULATOR_FUNCTIONS_PREFIX):]] = v
474 else:
475 custom_methods[k] = v
476 del attrs[k]
478 # Create the module-level ObjectDoesNotExist exception.
479 dne_exc_name = '%sDoesNotExist' % name
480 does_not_exist_exception = types.ClassType(dne_exc_name, (ObjectDoesNotExist,), {})
481 # Explicitly set its __module__ because it will initially (incorrectly)
482 # be set to the module the code is being executed in.
483 does_not_exist_exception.__module__ = MODEL_PREFIX + '.' + opts.module_name
484 setattr(new_mod, dne_exc_name, does_not_exist_exception)
486 # Create other exceptions.
487 for exception_name in opts.exceptions:
488 exc = types.ClassType(exception_name, (Exception,), {})
489 exc.__module__ = MODEL_PREFIX + '.' + opts.module_name # Set this explicitly, as above.
490 setattr(new_mod, exception_name, exc)
492 # Create any module-level constants, if applicable.
493 for k, v in opts.module_constants.items():
494 setattr(new_mod, k, v)
496 # Create the default class methods.
497 attrs['__init__'] = curry(method_init, opts)
498 attrs['__eq__'] = curry(method_eq, opts)
499 attrs['save'] = curry(method_save, opts)
500 attrs['save'].alters_data = True
501 attrs['delete'] = curry(method_delete, opts)
502 attrs['delete'].alters_data = True
504 if opts.order_with_respect_to:
505 attrs['get_next_in_order'] = curry(method_get_next_in_order, opts, opts.order_with_respect_to)
506 attrs['get_previous_in_order'] = curry(method_get_previous_in_order, opts, opts.order_with_respect_to)
508 for f in opts.fields:
509 # If the object has a relationship to itself, as designated by
510 # RECURSIVE_RELATIONSHIP_CONSTANT, create that relationship formally.
511 if f.rel and f.rel.to == RECURSIVE_RELATIONSHIP_CONSTANT:
512 f.rel.to = opts
513 f.name = f.name or ((f.rel.name or f.rel.to.object_name.lower()) + '_' + f.rel.to.pk.name)
514 f.verbose_name = f.verbose_name or f.rel.to.verbose_name
515 f.rel.field_name = f.rel.field_name or f.rel.to.pk.name
516 # Add "get_thingie" methods for many-to-one related objects.
517 # EXAMPLES: Choice.get_poll(), Story.get_dateline()
518 if isinstance(f.rel, ManyToOne):
519 func = curry(method_get_many_to_one, f)
520 func.__doc__ = "Returns the associated `%s.%s` object." % (f.rel.to.app_label, f.rel.to.module_name)
521 attrs['get_%s' % f.rel.name] = func
523 for f in opts.many_to_many:
524 # Add "get_thingie" methods for many-to-many related objects.
525 # EXAMPLES: Poll.get_site_list(), Story.get_byline_list()
526 func = curry(method_get_many_to_many, f)
527 func.__doc__ = "Returns a list of associated `%s.%s` objects." % (f.rel.to.app_label, f.rel.to.module_name)
528 attrs['get_%s_list' % f.rel.name] = func
529 # Add "set_thingie" methods for many-to-many related objects.
530 # EXAMPLES: Poll.set_sites(), Story.set_bylines()
531 func = curry(method_set_many_to_many, f)
532 func.__doc__ = "Resets this object's `%s.%s` list to the given list of IDs. Note that it doesn't check whether the given IDs are valid." % (f.rel.to.app_label, f.rel.to.module_name)
533 func.alters_data = True
534 attrs['set_%s' % f.name] = func
536 # Create the class, because we need it to use in currying.
537 new_class = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
539 # Give the class a docstring -- its definition.
540 new_class.__doc__ = "%s.%s(%s)" % (opts.module_name, name, ", ".join([f.name for f in opts.fields]))
542 # Create the standard, module-level API helper functions such
543 # as get_object() and get_list().
544 new_mod.get_object = curry(function_get_object, opts, new_class, does_not_exist_exception)
545 new_mod.get_object.__doc__ = "Returns the %s object matching the given parameters." % name
547 new_mod.get_list = curry(function_get_list, opts, new_class)
548 new_mod.get_list.__doc__ = "Returns a list of %s objects matching the given parameters." % name
550 new_mod.get_iterator = curry(function_get_iterator, opts, new_class)
551 new_mod.get_iterator.__doc__ = "Returns an iterator of %s objects matching the given parameters." % name
553 new_mod.get_values = curry(function_get_values, opts, new_class)
554 new_mod.get_values.__doc__ = "Returns a list of dictionaries matching the given parameters."
556 new_mod.get_values_iterator = curry(function_get_values_iterator, opts, new_class)
557 new_mod.get_values_iterator.__doc__ = "Returns an iterator of dictionaries matching the given parameters."
559 new_mod.get_count = curry(function_get_count, opts)
560 new_mod.get_count.__doc__ = "Returns the number of %s objects matching the given parameters." % name
562 new_mod._get_sql_clause = curry(function_get_sql_clause, opts)
564 new_mod.get_in_bulk = curry(function_get_in_bulk, opts, new_class)
565 new_mod.get_in_bulk.__doc__ = "Returns a dictionary of ID -> %s for the %s objects with IDs in the given id_list." % (name, name)
567 if opts.get_latest_by:
568 new_mod.get_latest = curry(function_get_latest, opts, new_class, does_not_exist_exception)
570 for f in opts.fields:
571 if isinstance(f, DateField) or isinstance(f, DateTimeField):
572 # Add "get_next_by_thingie" and "get_previous_by_thingie" methods
573 # for all DateFields and DateTimeFields that cannot be null.
574 # EXAMPLES: Poll.get_next_by_pub_date(), Poll.get_previous_by_pub_date()
575 if not f.null:
576 setattr(new_class, 'get_next_by_%s' % f.name, curry(method_get_next_or_previous, new_mod.get_object, f, True))
577 setattr(new_class, 'get_previous_by_%s' % f.name, curry(method_get_next_or_previous, new_mod.get_object, f, False))
578 # Add "get_thingie_list" for all DateFields and DateTimeFields.
579 # EXAMPLE: polls.get_pub_date_list()
580 func = curry(function_get_date_list, opts, f)
581 func.__doc__ = "Returns a list of days, months or years (as datetime.datetime objects) in which %s objects are available. The first parameter ('kind') must be one of 'year', 'month' or 'day'." % name
582 setattr(new_mod, 'get_%s_list' % f.name, func)
584 elif isinstance(f, FileField):
585 setattr(new_class, 'get_%s_filename' % f.name, curry(method_get_file_filename, f))
586 setattr(new_class, 'get_%s_url' % f.name, curry(method_get_file_url, f))
587 setattr(new_class, 'get_%s_size' % f.name, curry(method_get_file_size, f))
588 func = curry(method_save_file, f)
589 func.alters_data = True
590 setattr(new_class, 'save_%s_file' % f.name, func)
591 if isinstance(f, ImageField):
592 # Add get_BLAH_width and get_BLAH_height methods, but only
593 # if the image field doesn't have width and height cache
594 # fields.
595 if not f.width_field:
596 setattr(new_class, 'get_%s_width' % f.name, curry(method_get_image_width, f))
597 if not f.height_field:
598 setattr(new_class, 'get_%s_height' % f.name, curry(method_get_image_height, f))
600 # Add the class itself to the new module we've created.
601 new_mod.__dict__[name] = new_class
603 # Add "Klass" -- a shortcut reference to the class.
604 new_mod.__dict__['Klass'] = new_class
606 # Add the Manipulators.
607 new_mod.__dict__['AddManipulator'] = get_manipulator(opts, new_class, manipulator_methods, add=True)
608 new_mod.__dict__['ChangeManipulator'] = get_manipulator(opts, new_class, manipulator_methods, change=True)
610 # Now that we have references to new_mod and new_class, we can add
611 # any/all extra class methods to the new class. Note that we could
612 # have just left the extra methods in attrs (above), but that would
613 # have meant that any code within the extra methods would *not* have
614 # access to module-level globals, such as get_list(), db, etc.
615 # In order to give these methods access to those globals, we have to
616 # deconstruct the method getting its raw "code" object, then recreating
617 # the function with a new "globals" dictionary.
618 #
619 # To complicate matters more, because each method is manually assigned
620 # a "globals" value, that "globals" value does NOT include the methods
621 # that haven't been created yet. For instance, if there are two custom
622 # methods, foo() and bar(), and foo() is created first, it won't have
623 # bar() within its globals(). This is a problem because sometimes
624 # custom methods/functions refer to other custom methods/functions. To
625 # solve this problem, we keep track of the new functions created (in
626 # the new_functions variable) and manually append each new function to
627 # the func_globals() of all previously-created functions. So, by the
628 # end of the loop, all functions will "know" about all the other
629 # functions.
630 _reassign_globals(custom_methods, new_mod, new_class)
631 _reassign_globals(custom_functions, new_mod, new_mod)
632 _reassign_globals(manipulator_methods, new_mod, new_mod.__dict__['AddManipulator'])
633 _reassign_globals(manipulator_methods, new_mod, new_mod.__dict__['ChangeManipulator'])
635 if hasattr(new_class, 'get_absolute_url'):
636 new_class.get_absolute_url = curry(get_absolute_url, opts, new_class.get_absolute_url)
638 # Get a reference to the module the class is in, and dynamically add
639 # the new module to it.
640 app_package = sys.modules.get(new_class.__module__)
641 if replaces_module is not None:
642 app_label = replaces_module[0]
643 else:
644 app_package.__dict__[opts.module_name] = new_mod
645 app_label = app_package.__name__[app_package.__name__.rfind('.')+1:]
647 # Populate the _MODELS member on the module the class is in.
648 # Example: django.models.polls will have a _MODELS member that will
649 # contain this list:
650 # [<class 'django.models.polls.Poll'>, <class 'django.models.polls.Choice'>]
651 # Don't do this if replaces_module is set.
652 app_package.__dict__.setdefault('_MODELS', []).append(new_class)
654 # Cache the app label.
655 opts.app_label = app_label
657 # If the db_table wasn't provided, use the app_label + module_name.
658 if not opts.db_table:
659 opts.db_table = "%s_%s" % (app_label, opts.module_name)
660 new_class._meta = opts
662 # Set the __file__ attribute to the __file__ attribute of its package,
663 # because they're technically from the same file. Note: if we didn't
664 # set this, sys.modules would think this module was built-in.
665 try:
666 new_mod.__file__ = app_package.__file__
667 except AttributeError:
668 # 'module' object has no attribute '__file__', which means the
669 # class was probably being entered via the interactive interpreter.
670 pass
672 # Add the module's entry to sys.modules -- for instance,
673 # "django.models.polls.polls". Note that "django.models.polls" has already
674 # been added automatically.
675 sys.modules.setdefault('%s.%s.%s' % (MODEL_PREFIX, app_label, opts.module_name), new_mod)
677 # If this module replaces another one, get a reference to the other
678 # module's parent, and replace the other module with the one we've just
679 # created.
680 if replaces_module is not None:
681 old_app = get_app(replaces_module[0])
682 setattr(old_app, replaces_module[1], new_mod)
683 for i, model in enumerate(old_app._MODELS):
684 if model._meta.module_name == replaces_module[1]:
685 # Replace the appropriate member of the old app's _MODELS
686 # data structure.
687 old_app._MODELS[i] = new_class
688 # Replace all relationships to the old class with
689 # relationships to the new one.
690 for rel_opts, rel_field in model._meta.get_all_related_objects():
691 rel_field.rel.to = opts
692 for rel_opts, rel_field in model._meta.get_all_related_many_to_many_objects():
693 rel_field.rel.to = opts
694 break
696 return new_class
698class Model:
699 __metaclass__ = ModelBase
701 def __repr__(self):
702 return '<%s object>' % self.__class__.__name__
708# CORE METHODS #############################
710def method_init(opts, self, *args, **kwargs):
711 if kwargs:
712 for f in opts.fields:
713 setattr(self, f.name, kwargs.pop(f.name, f.get_default()))
714 if kwargs:
715 raise TypeError, "'%s' is an invalid keyword argument for this function" % kwargs.keys()[0]
716 for i, arg in enumerate(args):
717 setattr(self, opts.fields[i].name, arg)
719def method_eq(opts, self, other):
720 return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and getattr(self, opts.pk.name) == getattr(other, opts.pk.name)
722def method_save(opts, self):
723 # Run any pre-save hooks.
724 if hasattr(self, '_pre_save'):
725 self._pre_save()
726 non_pks = [f for f in opts.fields if not f.primary_key]
727 cursor = db.db.cursor()
729 # First, try an UPDATE. If that doesn't update anything, do an INSERT.
730 pk_set = bool(getattr(self, opts.pk.name))
731 if pk_set:
732 db_values = [f.get_db_prep_save(f.pre_save(getattr(self, f.name), False)) for f in non_pks]
733 cursor.execute("UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s=%%s" % (opts.db_table,
734 ','.join(['%s=%%s' % f.name for f in non_pks]), opts.pk.name),
735 db_values + [getattr(self, opts.pk.name)])
736 if not pk_set or cursor.rowcount == 0:
737 field_names = [f.name for f in opts.fields if not isinstance(f, AutoField)]
738 placeholders = ['%s'] * len(field_names)
739 db_values = [f.get_db_prep_save(f.pre_save(getattr(self, f.name), True)) for f in opts.fields if not isinstance(f, AutoField)]
740 if opts.order_with_respect_to:
741 field_names.append('_order')
742 # TODO: This assumes the database supports subqueries.
743 placeholders.append('(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s WHERE %s = %%s)' % \
744 (opts.db_table, opts.order_with_respect_to.name))
745 db_values.append(getattr(self, opts.order_with_respect_to.name))
746 cursor.execute("INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)" % (opts.db_table,
747 ','.join(field_names), ','.join(placeholders)), db_values)
748 if opts.has_auto_field:
749 setattr(self, opts.pk.name, db.get_last_insert_id(cursor, opts.db_table, opts.pk.name))
750 db.db.commit()
751 # Run any post-save hooks.
752 if hasattr(self, '_post_save'):
753 self._post_save()
755def method_delete(opts, self):
756 assert getattr(self, opts.pk.name) is not None, "%r can't be deleted because it doesn't have an ID."
757 # Run any pre-delete hooks.
758 if hasattr(self, '_pre_delete'):
759 self._pre_delete()
760 cursor = db.db.cursor()
761 for rel_opts, rel_field in opts.get_all_related_objects():
762 rel_opts_name = opts.get_rel_object_method_name(rel_opts, rel_field)
763 if isinstance(rel_field.rel, OneToOne):
764 try:
765 sub_obj = getattr(self, 'get_%s' % rel_opts_name)()
766 except ObjectDoesNotExist:
767 pass
768 else:
769 sub_obj.delete()
770 else:
771 for sub_obj in getattr(self, 'get_%s_list' % rel_opts_name)():
772 sub_obj.delete()
773 for rel_opts, rel_field in opts.get_all_related_many_to_many_objects():
774 cursor.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s_id=%%s" % (rel_field.get_m2m_db_table(rel_opts),
775 self._meta.object_name.lower()), [getattr(self, opts.pk.name)])
776 for f in opts.many_to_many:
777 cursor.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s_id=%%s" % (f.get_m2m_db_table(opts), self._meta.object_name.lower()),
778 [getattr(self, opts.pk.name)])
779 cursor.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s=%%s" % (opts.db_table, opts.pk.name), [getattr(self, opts.pk.name)])
780 db.db.commit()
781 setattr(self, opts.pk.name, None)
782 for f in opts.fields:
783 if isinstance(f, FileField) and getattr(self, f.name):
784 file_name = getattr(self, 'get_%s_filename' % f.name)()
785 # If the file exists and no other object of this type references it,
786 # delete it from the filesystem.
787 if os.path.exists(file_name) and not opts.get_model_module().get_list(**{'%s__exact' % f.name: getattr(self, f.name)}):
788 os.remove(file_name)
789 # Run any post-delete hooks.
790 if hasattr(self, '_post_delete'):
791 self._post_delete()
793def method_get_next_in_order(opts, order_field, self):
794 if not hasattr(self, '_next_in_order_cache'):
795 self._next_in_order_cache = opts.get_model_module().get_object(order_by=('_order',),
796 where=['_order > (SELECT _order FROM %s WHERE %s=%%s)' % (opts.db_table, opts.pk.name),
797 '%s=%%s' % order_field.name], limit=1,
798 params=[getattr(self, opts.pk.name), getattr(self, order_field.name)])
799 return self._next_in_order_cache
801def method_get_previous_in_order(opts, order_field, self):
802 if not hasattr(self, '_previous_in_order_cache'):
803 self._previous_in_order_cache = opts.get_model_module().get_object(order_by=('-_order',),
804 where=['_order < (SELECT _order FROM %s WHERE %s=%%s)' % (opts.db_table, opts.pk.name),
805 '%s=%%s' % order_field.name], limit=1,
806 params=[getattr(self, opts.pk.name), getattr(self, order_field.name)])
807 return self._previous_in_order_cache
809# RELATIONSHIP METHODS #####################
811# Example: Story.get_dateline()
812def method_get_many_to_one(field_with_rel, self):
813 cache_var = field_with_rel.rel.get_cache_name()
814 if not hasattr(self, cache_var):
815 val = getattr(self, field_with_rel.name)
816 mod = field_with_rel.rel.to.get_model_module()
817 if val is None:
818 raise getattr(mod, '%sDoesNotExist' % field_with_rel.rel.to.object_name)
819 retrieved_obj = mod.get_object(**{'%s__exact' % field_with_rel.rel.field_name: val})
820 setattr(self, cache_var, retrieved_obj)
821 return getattr(self, cache_var)
823# Handles getting many-to-many related objects.
824# Example: Poll.get_site_list()
825def method_get_many_to_many(field_with_rel, self):
826 rel = field_with_rel.rel.to
827 cache_var = '_%s_cache' % field_with_rel.name
828 if not hasattr(self, cache_var):
829 mod = rel.get_model_module()
830 sql = "SELECT %s FROM %s a, %s b WHERE a.%s = b.%s_id AND b.%s_id = %%s %s" % \
831 (','.join(['a.%s' % f.name for f in rel.fields]), rel.db_table,
832 field_with_rel.get_m2m_db_table(self._meta), rel.pk.name,
833 rel.object_name.lower(), self._meta.object_name.lower(), rel.get_order_sql('a'))
834 cursor = db.db.cursor()
835 cursor.execute(sql, [getattr(self, self._meta.pk.name)])
836 setattr(self, cache_var, [getattr(mod, rel.object_name)(*row) for row in cursor.fetchall()])
837 return getattr(self, cache_var)
839# Handles setting many-to-many relationships.
840# Example: Poll.set_sites()
841def method_set_many_to_many(rel_field, self, id_list):
842 id_list = map(int, id_list) # normalize to integers
843 current_ids = [obj.id for obj in method_get_many_to_many(rel_field, self)]
844 ids_to_add, ids_to_delete = dict([(i, 1) for i in id_list]), []
845 for current_id in current_ids:
846 if current_id in id_list:
847 del ids_to_add[current_id]
848 else:
849 ids_to_delete.append(current_id)
850 ids_to_add = ids_to_add.keys()
851 # Now ids_to_add is a list of IDs to add, and ids_to_delete is a list of IDs to delete.
852 if not ids_to_delete and not ids_to_add:
853 return False # No change
854 rel = rel_field.rel.to
855 m2m_table = rel_field.get_m2m_db_table(self._meta)
856 cursor = db.db.cursor()
857 this_id = getattr(self, self._meta.pk.name)
858 if ids_to_delete:
859 sql = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s_id = %%s AND %s_id IN (%s)" % (m2m_table, self._meta.object_name.lower(), rel.object_name.lower(), ','.join(map(str, ids_to_delete)))
860 cursor.execute(sql, [this_id])
861 if ids_to_add:
862 sql = "INSERT INTO %s (%s_id, %s_id) VALUES (%%s, %%s)" % (m2m_table, self._meta.object_name.lower(), rel.object_name.lower())
863 cursor.executemany(sql, [(this_id, i) for i in ids_to_add])
864 db.db.commit()
865 try:
866 delattr(self, '_%s_cache' % rel_field.name) # clear cache, if it exists
867 except AttributeError:
868 pass
869 return True
871# Handles related-object retrieval.
872# Examples: Poll.get_choice(), Poll.get_choice_list(), Poll.get_choice_count()
873def method_get_related(method_name, rel_mod, rel_field, self, **kwargs):
874 kwargs['%s__exact' % rel_field.name] = getattr(self, rel_field.rel.field_name)
875 kwargs.update(rel_field.rel.lookup_overrides)
876 return getattr(rel_mod, method_name)(**kwargs)
878# Handles adding related objects.
879# Example: Poll.add_choice()
880def method_add_related(rel_obj, rel_mod, rel_field, self, *args, **kwargs):
881 init_kwargs = dict(zip([f.name for f in rel_obj.fields if f != rel_field and not isinstance(f, AutoField)], args))
882 init_kwargs.update(kwargs)
883 for f in rel_obj.fields:
884 if isinstance(f, AutoField):
885 init_kwargs[f.name] = None
886 init_kwargs[rel_field.name] = getattr(self, rel_field.rel.field_name)
887 obj = rel_mod.Klass(**init_kwargs)
888 obj.save()
889 return obj
891# Handles related many-to-many object retrieval.
892# Examples: Album.get_song(), Album.get_song_list(), Album.get_song_count()
893def method_get_related_many_to_many(method_name, rel_mod, rel_field, self, **kwargs):
894 kwargs['%s__id__exact' % rel_field.name] = self.id
895 return getattr(rel_mod, method_name)(**kwargs)
897# Handles setting many-to-many related objects.
898# Example: Album.set_songs()
899def method_set_related_many_to_many(rel_opts, rel_field, self, id_list):
900 id_list = map(int, id_list) # normalize to integers
901 rel = rel_field.rel.to
902 m2m_table = rel_field.get_m2m_db_table(rel_opts)
903 this_id = getattr(self, self._meta.pk.name)
904 cursor = db.db.cursor()
905 cursor.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s_id = %%s" % (m2m_table, rel.object_name.lower()), [this_id])
906 sql = "INSERT INTO %s (%s_id, %s_id) VALUES (%%s, %%s)" % (m2m_table, rel.object_name.lower(), rel_opts.object_name.lower())
907 cursor.executemany(sql, [(this_id, i) for i in id_list])
908 db.db.commit()
910# ORDERING METHODS #########################
912def method_set_order(ordered_obj, self, id_list):
913 cursor = db.db.cursor()
914 # Example: "UPDATE poll_choices SET _order = %s WHERE poll_id = %s AND id = %s"
915 sql = "UPDATE %s SET _order = %%s WHERE %s = %%s AND %s = %%s" % (ordered_obj.db_table, ordered_obj.order_with_respect_to.name, ordered_obj.pk.name)
916 rel_val = getattr(self, ordered_obj.order_with_respect_to.rel.field_name)
917 cursor.executemany(sql, [(i, rel_val, j) for i, j in enumerate(id_list)])
918 db.db.commit()
920def method_get_order(ordered_obj, self):
921 cursor = db.db.cursor()
922 # Example: "SELECT id FROM poll_choices WHERE poll_id = %s ORDER BY _order"
923 sql = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s = %%s ORDER BY _order" % (ordered_obj.pk.name, ordered_obj.db_table, ordered_obj.order_with_respect_to.name)
924 rel_val = getattr(self, ordered_obj.order_with_respect_to.rel.field_name)
925 cursor.execute(sql, [rel_val])
926 return [r[0] for r in cursor.fetchall()]
928# DATE-RELATED METHODS #####################
930def method_get_next_or_previous(get_object_func, field, is_next, self, **kwargs):
931 kwargs.setdefault('where', []).append('%s %s %%s' % (field.name, (is_next and '>' or '<')))
932 kwargs.setdefault('params', []).append(str(getattr(self, field.name)))
933 kwargs['order_by'] = [(not is_next and '-' or '') + field.name]
934 kwargs['limit'] = 1
935 return get_object_func(**kwargs)
937# FILE-RELATED METHODS #####################
939def method_get_file_filename(field, self):
940 return os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, getattr(self, field.name))
942def method_get_file_url(field, self):
943 if getattr(self, field.name): # value is not blank
944 import urlparse
945 return urlparse.urljoin(settings.MEDIA_URL, getattr(self, field.name))
946 return ''
948def method_get_file_size(field, self):
949 return os.path.getsize(method_get_file_filename(field, self))
951def method_save_file(field, self, filename, raw_contents):
952 directory = field.get_directory_name()
953 try: # Create the date-based directory if it doesn't exist.
954 os.makedirs(os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, directory))
955 except OSError: # Directory probably already exists.
956 pass
957 filename = field.get_filename(filename)
959 # If the filename already exists, keep adding an underscore to the name of
960 # the file until the filename doesn't exist.
961 while os.path.exists(os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, filename)):
962 try:
963 dot_index = filename.rindex('.')
964 except ValueError: # filename has no dot
965 filename += '_'
966 else:
967 filename = filename[:dot_index] + '_' + filename[dot_index:]
969 # Write the file to disk.
970 setattr(self, field.name, filename)
971 fp = open(getattr(self, 'get_%s_filename' % field.name)(), 'wb')
972 fp.write(raw_contents)
973 fp.close()
975 # Save the width and/or height, if applicable.
976 if isinstance(field, ImageField) and (field.width_field or field.height_field):
977 from django.utils.images import get_image_dimensions
978 width, height = get_image_dimensions(getattr(self, 'get_%s_filename' % field.name)())
979 if field.width_field:
980 setattr(self, field.width_field, width)
981 if field.height_field:
982 setattr(self, field.height_field, height)
984 # Save the object, because it has changed.
985 self.save()
987# IMAGE FIELD METHODS ######################
989def method_get_image_width(field, self):
990 return _get_image_dimensions(field, self)[0]
992def method_get_image_height(field, self):
993 return _get_image_dimensions(field, self)[1]
995def _get_image_dimensions(field, self):
996 cachename = "__%s_dimensions_cache" % field.name
997 if not hasattr(self, cachename):
998 from django.utils.images import get_image_dimensions
999 fname = getattr(self, "get_%s_filename" % field.name)()
1000 setattr(self, cachename, get_image_dimensions(fname))
1001 return getattr(self, cachename)
1007def get_absolute_url(opts, func, self):
1008 return settings.ABSOLUTE_URL_OVERRIDES.get('%s.%s' % (opts.app_label, opts.module_name), func)(self)
1010def _get_where_clause(lookup_type, table_prefix, field_name, value):
1011 try:
1012 return '%s%s %s %%s' % (table_prefix, field_name, db.OPERATOR_MAPPING[lookup_type])
1013 except KeyError:
1014 pass
1015 if lookup_type == 'in':
1016 return '%s%s IN (%s)' % (table_prefix, field_name, ','.join(['%s' for v in value]))
1017 elif lookup_type in ('range', 'year'):
1018 return '%s%s BETWEEN %%s AND %%s' % (table_prefix, field_name)
1019 elif lookup_type in ('month', 'day'):
1020 return "%s = %%s" % db.get_date_extract_sql(lookup_type, table_prefix + field_name)
1021 elif lookup_type == 'isnull':
1022 return "%s%s IS %sNULL" % (table_prefix, field_name, (not value and 'NOT ' or ''))
1023 raise TypeError, "Got invalid lookup_type: %s" % repr(lookup_type)
1025def function_get_object(opts, klass, does_not_exist_exception, **kwargs):
1026 obj_list = function_get_list(opts, klass, **kwargs)
1027 if len(obj_list) < 1:
1028 raise does_not_exist_exception, "%s does not exist for %s" % (opts.object_name, kwargs)
1029 assert len(obj_list) == 1, "get_object() returned more than one %s -- it returned %s! Lookup parameters were %s" % (opts.object_name, len(obj_list), kwargs)
1030 return obj_list[0]
1032def _get_cached_row(opts, row, index_start):
1033 "Helper function that recursively returns an object with cache filled"
1034 index_end = index_start + len(opts.fields)
1035 obj = opts.get_model_module().Klass(*row[index_start:index_end])
1036 for f in opts.fields:
1037 if f.rel and not f.null:
1038 rel_obj, index_end = _get_cached_row(f.rel.to, row, index_end)
1039 setattr(obj, f.rel.get_cache_name(), rel_obj)
1040 return obj, index_end
1042def function_get_iterator(opts, klass, **kwargs):
1043 # kwargs['select'] is a dictionary, and dictionaries' key order is
1044 # undefined, so we convert it to a list of tuples internally.
1045 kwargs['select'] = kwargs.get('select', {}).items()
1047 cursor = db.db.cursor()
1048 select, sql, params, full_query = function_get_sql_clause(opts, **kwargs)
1049 cursor.execute(full_query, params)
1050 fill_cache = kwargs.get('select_related')
1051 index_end = len(opts.fields)
1052 while 1:
1053 rows = cursor.fetchmany(GET_ITERATOR_CHUNK_SIZE)
1054 if not rows:
1055 raise StopIteration
1056 for row in rows:
1057 if fill_cache:
1058 obj, index_end = _get_cached_row(opts, row, 0)
1059 else:
1060 obj = klass(*row[:index_end])
1061 for i, k in enumerate(kwargs['select']):
1062 setattr(obj, k[0], row[index_end+i])
1063 yield obj
1065def function_get_list(opts, klass, **kwargs):
1066 return list(function_get_iterator(opts, klass, **kwargs))
1068def function_get_count(opts, **kwargs):
1069 kwargs['order_by'] = []
1070 kwargs['offset'] = None
1071 kwargs['limit'] = None
1072 kwargs['select_related'] = False
1073 _, sql, params, full_query = function_get_sql_clause(opts, **kwargs)
1074 cursor = db.db.cursor()
1075 cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*)" + sql, params)
1076 return cursor.fetchone()[0]
1078def function_get_values_iterator(opts, klass, **kwargs):
1079 # select_related and select aren't supported in get_values().
1080 kwargs['select_related'] = False
1081 kwargs['select'] = {}
1083 # 'fields' is a list of field names to fetch.
1084 try:
1085 fields = kwargs.pop('fields')
1086 except KeyError: # Default to all fields.
1087 fields = [f.name for f in opts.fields]
1089 cursor = db.db.cursor()
1090 _, sql, params, full_query = function_get_sql_clause(opts, **kwargs)
1091 select = ['%s.%s' % (opts.db_table, f) for f in fields]
1092 cursor.execute("SELECT " + (kwargs.get('distinct') and "DISTINCT " or "") + ",".join(select) + sql, params)
1093 while 1:
1094 rows = cursor.fetchmany(GET_ITERATOR_CHUNK_SIZE)
1095 if not rows:
1096 raise StopIteration
1097 for row in rows:
1098 yield dict(zip(fields, row))
1100def function_get_values(opts, klass, **kwargs):
1101 return list(function_get_values_iterator(opts, klass, **kwargs))
1103def _fill_table_cache(opts, select, tables, where, old_prefix, cache_tables_seen):
1104 """
1105 Helper function that recursively populates the select, tables and where (in
1106 place) for fill-cache queries.
1107 """
1108 for f in opts.fields:
1109 if f.rel and not f.null:
1110 db_table = f.rel.to.db_table
1111 if db_table not in cache_tables_seen:
1112 tables.append(db_table)
1113 else: # The table was already seen, so give it a table alias.
1114 new_prefix = '%s%s' % (db_table, len(cache_tables_seen))
1115 tables.append('%s %s' % (db_table, new_prefix))
1116 db_table = new_prefix
1117 cache_tables_seen.append(db_table)
1118 where.append('%s.%s = %s.%s' % (old_prefix, f.name, db_table, f.rel.field_name))
1119 select.extend(['%s.%s as "%s.%s"' % (db_table, f2.name, db_table, f2.name) for f2 in f.rel.to.fields])
1120 _fill_table_cache(f.rel.to, select, tables, where, db_table, cache_tables_seen)
1122def _throw_bad_kwarg_error(kwarg):
1123 # Helper function to remove redundancy.
1124 raise TypeError, "got unexpected keyword argument '%s'" % kwarg
1126def _parse_lookup(kwarg_items, opts, table_count=0):
1127 # Helper function that handles converting API kwargs (e.g.
1128 # "name__exact": "tom") to SQL.
1130 # Note that there is a distinction between where and join_where. The latter
1131 # is specifically a list of where clauses to use for JOINs. This
1132 # distinction is necessary because of support for "_or".
1134 # table_count is used to ensure table aliases are unique.
1135 tables, join_where, where, params = [], [], [], []
1136 for kwarg, kwarg_value in kwarg_items:
1137 if kwarg in ('order_by', 'limit', 'offset', 'select_related', 'distinct', 'select', 'tables', 'where', 'params'):
1138 continue
1139 if kwarg_value is None:
1140 continue
1141 if kwarg == '_or':
1142 for val in kwarg_value:
1143 tables2, join_where2, where2, params2, table_count = _parse_lookup(val, opts, table_count)
1144 tables.extend(tables2)
1145 join_where.extend(join_where2)
1146 where.append('(%s)' % ' OR '.join(where2))
1147 params.extend(params2)
1148 continue
1149 lookup_list = kwarg.split(LOOKUP_SEPARATOR)
1150 # pk="value" is shorthand for (primary key)__exact="value"
1151 if lookup_list[-1] == 'pk':
1152 lookup_list = lookup_list[:-1] + [opts.pk.name, 'exact']
1153 if len(lookup_list) == 1:
1154 _throw_bad_kwarg_error(kwarg)
1155 lookup_type = lookup_list.pop()
1156 current_opts = opts # We'll be overwriting this, so keep a reference to the original opts.
1157 current_table_alias = current_opts.db_table
1158 param_required = False
1159 while lookup_list or param_required:
1160 table_count += 1
1161 try:
1162 # "current" is a piece of the lookup list. For example, in
1163 # choices.get_list(poll__sites__id__exact=5), lookup_list is
1164 # ["polls", "sites", "id"], and the first current is "polls".
1165 try:
1166 current = lookup_list.pop(0)
1167 except IndexError:
1168 # If we're here, lookup_list is empty but param_required
1169 # is set to True, which means the kwarg was bad.
1170 # Example: choices.get_list(poll__exact='foo')
1171 _throw_bad_kwarg_error(kwarg)
1172 # Try many-to-many relationships first...
1173 for f in current_opts.many_to_many:
1174 if f.name == current:
1175 rel_table_alias = 't%s' % table_count
1176 table_count += 1
1177 tables.append('%s %s' % (f.get_m2m_db_table(current_opts), rel_table_alias))
1178 join_where.append('%s.%s = %s.%s_id' % (current_table_alias, current_opts.pk.name,
1179 rel_table_alias, current_opts.object_name.lower()))
1180 # Optimization: In the case of primary-key lookups, we
1181 # don't have to do an extra join.
1182 if lookup_list and lookup_list[0] == f.rel.to.pk.name and lookup_type == 'exact':
1183 where.append(_get_where_clause(lookup_type, rel_table_alias+'.',
1184 f.rel.to.object_name.lower()+'_id', kwarg_value))
1185 params.extend(f.get_db_prep_lookup(lookup_type, kwarg_value))
1186 lookup_list.pop()
1187 param_required = False
1188 else:
1189 new_table_alias = 't%s' % table_count
1190 tables.append('%s %s' % (f.rel.to.db_table, new_table_alias))
1191 join_where.append('%s.%s_id = %s.%s' % (rel_table_alias, f.rel.to.object_name.lower(),
1192 new_table_alias, f.rel.to.pk.name))
1193 current_table_alias = new_table_alias
1194 param_required = True
1195 current_opts = f.rel.to
1196 raise StopIteration
1197 for f in current_opts.fields:
1198 # Try many-to-one relationships...
1199 if f.rel and f.rel.name == current:
1200 # Optimization: In the case of primary-key lookups, we
1201 # don't have to do an extra join.
1202 if lookup_list and lookup_list[0] == f.rel.to.pk.name and lookup_type == 'exact':
1203 where.append(_get_where_clause(lookup_type, current_table_alias+'.', f.name, kwarg_value))
1204 params.extend(f.get_db_prep_lookup(lookup_type, kwarg_value))
1205 lookup_list.pop()
1206 param_required = False
1207 else:
1208 new_table_alias = 't%s' % table_count
1209 tables.append('%s %s' % (f.rel.to.db_table, new_table_alias))
1210 join_where.append('%s.%s = %s.%s' % (current_table_alias, f.name, new_table_alias, f.rel.to.pk.name))
1211 current_table_alias = new_table_alias
1212 param_required = True
1213 current_opts = f.rel.to
1214 raise StopIteration
1215 # Try direct field-name lookups...
1216 if f.name == current:
1217 where.append(_get_where_clause(lookup_type, current_table_alias+'.', current, kwarg_value))
1218 params.extend(f.get_db_prep_lookup(lookup_type, kwarg_value))
1219 param_required = False
1220 raise StopIteration
1221 # If we haven't hit StopIteration at this point, "current" must be
1222 # an invalid lookup, so raise an exception.
1223 _throw_bad_kwarg_error(kwarg)
1224 except StopIteration:
1225 continue
1226 return tables, join_where, where, params, table_count
1228def function_get_sql_clause(opts, **kwargs):
1229 select = ["%s.%s" % (opts.db_table, f.name) for f in opts.fields]
1230 tables = [opts.db_table] + (kwargs.get('tables') and kwargs['tables'][:] or [])
1231 where = kwargs.get('where') and kwargs['where'][:] or []
1232 params = kwargs.get('params') and kwargs['params'][:] or []
1234 # Convert the kwargs into SQL.
1235 tables2, join_where2, where2, params2, _ = _parse_lookup(kwargs.items(), opts)
1236 tables.extend(tables2)
1237 where.extend(join_where2 + where2)
1238 params.extend(params2)
1240 # Add any additional constraints from the "where_constraints" parameter.
1241 where.extend(opts.where_constraints)
1243 # Add additional tables and WHERE clauses based on select_related.
1244 if kwargs.get('select_related') is True:
1245 _fill_table_cache(opts, select, tables, where, opts.db_table, [opts.db_table])
1247 # Add any additional SELECTs passed in via kwargs.
1248 if kwargs.get('select'):
1249 select.extend(['(%s) AS %s' % (s[1], s[0]) for s in kwargs['select']])
1251 # ORDER BY clause
1252 order_by = []
1253 for f in handle_legacy_orderlist(kwargs.get('order_by', opts.ordering)):
1254 if f == '?': # Special case.
1255 order_by.append('RANDOM()')
1256 else:
1257 # Use the database table as a column prefix if it wasn't given,
1258 # and if the requested column isn't a custom SELECT.
1259 if "." not in f and f not in [k[0] for k in kwargs.get('select', [])]:
1260 table_prefix = opts.db_table + '.'
1261 else:
1262 table_prefix = ''
1263 if f.startswith('-'):
1264 order_by.append('%s%s DESC' % (table_prefix, f[1:]))
1265 else:
1266 order_by.append('%s%s ASC' % (table_prefix, f))
1267 order_by = ", ".join(order_by)
1270 sql = " FROM " + ",".join(tables) + (where and " WHERE " + " AND ".join(where) or "") + (order_by and " ORDER BY " + order_by or "")
1272 if (db.DATABASE_ENGINE != 'oracle'):
1273 # LIMIT and OFFSET clauses
1274 if kwargs.get('limit') is not None:
1275 limit_sql = " LIMIT %s " % kwargs['limit']
1276 if kwargs.get('offset') is not None and kwargs['offset'] != 0:
1277 limit_sql += "OFFSET %s " % kwargs['offset']
1278 else:
1279 limit_sql = ""
1281 full_query = "SELECT " + (kwargs.get('distinct') and "DISTINCT " or "") + ",".join(select) + sql + limit_sql
1282 return select, sql + limit_sql, params, full_query
1283 else:
1284 # To support limits and offsets, Oracle requires some funky rewriting of an otherwise normal looking query.
1286 select_clause = ",".join(select)
1287 distinct = (kwargs.get('distinct') and "DISTINCT " or "")
1288 from_clause = ",".join(tables)
1289 where_clause = (where and " WHERE " + " AND ".join(where) or "")
1291 if order_by:
1292 order_by_clause = " OVER (ORDER BY %s )" % (order_by)
1293 else:
1294 #Oracle's row_number() function always requires an order-by clause.
1295 #So we need to define a default order-by, since none was provided.
1296 order_by_clause = " OVER (ORDER BY %s.%s)" % (opts.db_table, opts.fields[0].name)
1298 # limit_and_offset_clause
1299 limit = kwargs.get('limit',0)
1300 offset = kwargs.get('offset',0)
1302 limit_and_offset_clause = ''
1303 if limit:
1304 limit = int(limit)
1305 offset = int(offset)
1306 limit_and_offset_clause = "WHERE rn > %s AND rn <= %s" % (offset, limit+offset)
1307 else:
1308 limit_and_offset_clause = "WHERE rn > %s" % (offset)
1310 full_query = """SELECT * FROM
1311 (SELECT %s
1312 %s,
1313 ROW_NUMBER() %s AS rn
1314 FROM %s
1315 %s
1316 )
1317 %s
1318 """ % (distinct, select_clause, order_by_clause, from_clause, where_clause, limit_and_offset_clause)
1319 return select, sql, params, full_query
1321def function_get_in_bulk(opts, klass, *args, **kwargs):
1322 id_list = args and args[0] or kwargs['id_list']
1323 assert id_list != [], "get_in_bulk() cannot be passed an empty list."
1324 kwargs['where'] = ["%s.id IN (%s)" % (opts.db_table, ",".join(map(str, id_list)))]
1325 obj_list = function_get_list(opts, klass, **kwargs)
1326 return dict([(o.id, o) for o in obj_list])
1328def function_get_latest(opts, klass, does_not_exist_exception, **kwargs):
1329 kwargs['order_by'] = ('-' + opts.get_latest_by,)
1330 kwargs['limit'] = 1
1331 return function_get_object(opts, klass, does_not_exist_exception, **kwargs)
1333def function_get_date_list(opts, field, *args, **kwargs):
1334 from django.core.db.typecasts import typecast_timestamp
1335 kind = args and args[0] or kwargs['kind']
1336 assert kind in ("month", "year", "day"), "'kind' must be one of 'year', 'month' or 'day'."
1337 order = 'ASC'
1338 if kwargs.has_key('_order'):
1339 order = kwargs['_order']
1340 del kwargs['_order']
1341 assert order in ('ASC', 'DESC'), "'order' must be either 'ASC' or 'DESC'"
1342 kwargs['order_by'] = [] # Clear this because it'll mess things up otherwise.
1343 if field.null:
1344 kwargs.setdefault('where', []).append('%s.%s IS NOT NULL' % (opts.db_table, field.name))
1345 select, sql, params, full_query = function_get_sql_clause(opts, **kwargs)
1346 sql = 'SELECT %s %s GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1' % (db.get_date_trunc_sql(kind, '%s.%s' % (opts.db_table, field.name)), sql)
1347 cursor = db.db.cursor()
1348 cursor.execute(sql, params)
1349 # We have to manually run typecast_timestamp(str()) on the results, because
1350 # MySQL doesn't automatically cast the result of date functions as datetime
1351 # objects -- MySQL returns the values as strings, instead.
1352 return [typecast_timestamp(str(row[0])) for row in cursor.fetchall()]
1358def get_manipulator(opts, klass, extra_methods, add=False, change=False):
1359 "Returns the custom Manipulator (either add or change) for the given opts."
1360 assert (add == False or change == False) and add != change, "get_manipulator() can be passed add=True or change=True, but not both"
1361 man = types.ClassType('%sManipulator%s' % (opts.object_name, add and 'Add' or 'Change'), (formfields.Manipulator,), {})
1362 man.__module__ = MODEL_PREFIX + '.' + opts.module_name # Set this explicitly, as above.
1363 man.__init__ = curry(manipulator_init, opts, add, change)
1364 man.save = curry(manipulator_save, opts, klass, add, change)
1365 for field_name_list in opts.unique_together:
1366 setattr(man, 'isUnique%s' % '_'.join(field_name_list), curry(manipulator_validator_unique_together, field_name_list, opts))
1367 for f in opts.fields:
1368 if f.unique_for_date:
1369 setattr(man, 'isUnique%sFor%s' % (f.name, f.unique_for_date), curry(manipulator_validator_unique_for_date, f, opts.get_field(f.unique_for_date), opts, 'date'))
1370 if f.unique_for_month:
1371 setattr(man, 'isUnique%sFor%s' % (f.name, f.unique_for_month), curry(manipulator_validator_unique_for_date, f, opts.get_field(f.unique_for_month), opts, 'month'))
1372 if f.unique_for_year:
1373 setattr(man, 'isUnique%sFor%s' % (f.name, f.unique_for_year), curry(manipulator_validator_unique_for_date, f, opts.get_field(f.unique_for_year), opts, 'year'))
1374 for k, v in extra_methods.items():
1375 setattr(man, k, v)
1376 return man
1378def manipulator_init(opts, add, change, self, obj_key=None):
1379 if change:
1380 assert obj_key is not None, "ChangeManipulator.__init__() must be passed obj_key parameter."
1381 self.obj_key = obj_key
1382 try:
1383 self.original_object = opts.get_model_module().get_object(pk=obj_key)
1384 except ObjectDoesNotExist:
1385 # If the object doesn't exist, this might be a manipulator for a
1386 # one-to-one related object that hasn't created its subobject yet.
1387 # For example, this might be a Restaurant for a Place that doesn't
1388 # yet have restaurant information.
1389 if opts.one_to_one_field:
1390 # Sanity check -- Make sure the "parent" object exists.
1391 # For example, make sure the Place exists for the Restaurant.
1392 # Let the ObjectDoesNotExist exception propogate up.
1393 lookup_kwargs = opts.one_to_one_field.rel.limit_choices_to
1394 lookup_kwargs['%s__exact' % opts.one_to_one_field.rel.field_name] = obj_key
1395 _ = opts.one_to_one_field.rel.to.get_model_module().get_object(**lookup_kwargs)
1396 params = dict([(f.name, f.get_default()) for f in opts.fields])
1397 params[opts.pk.name] = obj_key
1398 self.original_object = opts.get_model_module().Klass(**params)
1399 else:
1400 raise
1401 self.fields = []
1402 for f in opts.fields + opts.many_to_many:
1403 if f.editable and not (f.primary_key and change) and (not f.rel or not f.rel.edit_inline):
1404 self.fields.extend(f.get_manipulator_fields(opts, self, change))
1406 # Add fields for related objects.
1407 for rel_opts, rel_field in opts.get_inline_related_objects():
1408 if change:
1409 count = getattr(self.original_object, 'get_%s_count' % opts.get_rel_object_method_name(rel_opts, rel_field))()
1410 count += rel_field.rel.num_extra_on_change
1411 if rel_field.rel.min_num_in_admin:
1412 count = max(count, rel_field.rel.min_num_in_admin)
1413 if rel_field.rel.max_num_in_admin:
1414 count = min(count, rel_field.rel.max_num_in_admin)
1415 else:
1416 count = rel_field.rel.num_in_admin
1417 for f in rel_opts.fields + rel_opts.many_to_many:
1418 if f.editable and f != rel_field and (not f.primary_key or (f.primary_key and change)):
1419 for i in range(count):
1420 self.fields.extend(f.get_manipulator_fields(rel_opts, self, change, name_prefix='%s.%d.' % (rel_opts.object_name.lower(), i), rel=True))
1422 # Add field for ordering.
1423 if change and opts.get_ordered_objects():
1424 self.fields.append(formfields.CommaSeparatedIntegerField(field_name="order_"))
1426def manipulator_save(opts, klass, add, change, self, new_data):
1427 from django.utils.datastructures import DotExpandedDict
1428 params = {}
1429 for f in opts.fields:
1430 # Fields with auto_now_add are another special case; they should keep
1431 # their original value in the change stage.
1432 if change and getattr(f, 'auto_now_add', False):
1433 params[f.name] = getattr(self.original_object, f.name)
1434 else:
1435 params[f.name] = f.get_manipulator_new_data(new_data)
1437 if change:
1438 params[opts.pk.name] = self.obj_key
1440 # First, save the basic object itself.
1441 new_object = klass(**params)
1442 new_object.save()
1444 # Now that the object's been saved, save any uploaded files.
1445 for f in opts.fields:
1446 if isinstance(f, FileField):
1447 f.save_file(new_data, new_object, change and self.original_object or None, change, rel=False)
1449 # Calculate which primary fields have changed.
1450 if change:
1451 self.fields_added, self.fields_changed, self.fields_deleted = [], [], []
1452 for f in opts.fields:
1453 if not f.primary_key and str(getattr(self.original_object, f.name)) != str(getattr(new_object, f.name)):
1454 self.fields_changed.append(f.verbose_name)
1456 # Save many-to-many objects. Example: Poll.set_sites()
1457 for f in opts.many_to_many:
1458 if not f.rel.edit_inline:
1459 was_changed = getattr(new_object, 'set_%s' % f.name)(new_data.getlist(f.name))
1460 if change and was_changed:
1461 self.fields_changed.append(f.verbose_name)
1463 # Save many-to-one objects. Example: Add the Choice objects for a Poll.
1464 for rel_opts, rel_field in opts.get_inline_related_objects():
1465 # Create obj_list, which is a DotExpandedDict such as this:
1466 # [('0', {'id': ['940'], 'choice': ['This is the first choice']}),
1467 # ('1', {'id': ['941'], 'choice': ['This is the second choice']}),
1468 # ('2', {'id': [''], 'choice': ['']})]
1469 obj_list = DotExpandedDict(new_data.data)[rel_opts.object_name.lower()].items()
1470 obj_list.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(int(x[0]), int(y[0])))
1471 params = {}
1473 # For each related item...
1474 for _, rel_new_data in obj_list:
1476 # Keep track of which core=True fields were provided.
1477 # If all core fields were given, the related object will be saved.
1478 # If none of the core fields were given, the object will be deleted.
1479 # If some, but not all, of the fields were given, the validator would
1480 # have caught that.
1481 all_cores_given, all_cores_blank = True, True
1483 # Get a reference to the old object. We'll use it to compare the
1484 # old to the new, to see which fields have changed.
1485 if change:
1486 old_rel_obj = None
1487 if rel_new_data[rel_opts.pk.name][0]:
1488 try:
1489 old_rel_obj = getattr(self.original_object, 'get_%s' % opts.get_rel_object_method_name(rel_opts, rel_field))(**{'%s__exact' % rel_opts.pk.name: rel_new_data[rel_opts.pk.name][0]})
1490 except ObjectDoesNotExist:
1491 pass
1493 for f in rel_opts.fields:
1494 if f.core and not isinstance(f, FileField) and f.get_manipulator_new_data(rel_new_data, rel=True) in (None, ''):
1495 all_cores_given = False
1496 elif f.core and not isinstance(f, FileField) and f.get_manipulator_new_data(rel_new_data, rel=True) not in (None, ''):
1497 all_cores_blank = False
1498 # If this field isn't editable, give it the same value it had
1499 # previously, according to the given ID. If the ID wasn't
1500 # given, use a default value. FileFields are also a special
1501 # case, because they'll be dealt with later.
1502 if change and (isinstance(f, FileField) or not f.editable):
1503 if rel_new_data.get(rel_opts.pk.name, False) and rel_new_data[rel_opts.pk.name][0]:
1504 params[f.name] = getattr(old_rel_obj, f.name)
1505 else:
1506 params[f.name] = f.get_default()
1507 elif f == rel_field:
1508 params[f.name] = getattr(new_object, rel_field.rel.field_name)
1509 elif add and isinstance(f, AutoField):
1510 params[f.name] = None
1511 else:
1512 params[f.name] = f.get_manipulator_new_data(rel_new_data, rel=True)
1513 # Related links are a special case, because we have to
1514 # manually set the "content_type_id" field.
1515 if opts.has_related_links and rel_opts.module_name == 'relatedlinks':
1516 contenttypes_mod = get_module('core', 'contenttypes')
1517 params['content_type_id'] = contenttypes_mod.get_object(package__label__exact=opts.app_label, python_module_name__exact=opts.module_name).id
1518 params['object_id'] = new_object.id
1520 # Create the related item.
1521 new_rel_obj = rel_opts.get_model_module().Klass(**params)
1523 # If all the core fields were provided (non-empty), save the item.
1524 if all_cores_given:
1525 new_rel_obj.save()
1527 # Save any uploaded files.
1528 for f in rel_opts.fields:
1529 if isinstance(f, FileField) and rel_new_data.get(f.name, False):
1530 f.save_file(rel_new_data, new_rel_obj, change and old_rel_obj or None, change, rel=True)
1532 # Calculate whether any fields have changed.
1533 if change:
1534 if not old_rel_obj: # This object didn't exist before.
1535 self.fields_added.append('%s "%r"' % (rel_opts.verbose_name, new_rel_obj))
1536 else:
1537 for f in rel_opts.fields:
1538 if not f.primary_key and f != rel_field and str(getattr(old_rel_obj, f.name)) != str(getattr(new_rel_obj, f.name)):
1539 self.fields_changed.append('%s for %s "%r"' % (f.verbose_name, rel_opts.verbose_name, new_rel_obj))
1541 # Save many-to-many objects.
1542 for f in rel_opts.many_to_many:
1543 if not f.rel.edit_inline:
1544 was_changed = getattr(new_rel_obj, 'set_%s' % f.name)(rel_new_data[f.name])
1545 if change and was_changed:
1546 self.fields_changed.append('%s for %s "%s"' % (f.verbose_name, rel_opts.verbose_name, new_rel_obj))
1548 # If, in the change stage, all of the core fields were blank and
1549 # the primary key (ID) was provided, delete the item.
1550 if change and all_cores_blank and rel_new_data.has_key(rel_opts.pk.name) and rel_new_data[rel_opts.pk.name][0]:
1551 new_rel_obj.delete()
1552 self.fields_deleted.append('%s "%r"' % (rel_opts.verbose_name, old_rel_obj))
1554 # Save the order, if applicable.
1555 if change and opts.get_ordered_objects():
1556 order = new_data['order_'] and map(int, new_data['order_'].split(',')) or []
1557 for rel_opts in opts.get_ordered_objects():
1558 getattr(new_object, 'set_%s_order' % rel_opts.object_name.lower())(order)
1559 return new_object
1561def manipulator_validator_unique_together(field_name_list, opts, self, field_data, all_data):
1562 from django.utils.text import get_text_list
1563 field_list = [opts.get_field(field_name) for field_name in field_name_list]
1564 kwargs = {'%s__iexact' % field_name_list[0]: field_data}
1565 for f in field_list[1:]:
1566 field_val = all_data.get(f.name, None)
1567 if field_val is None:
1568 # This will be caught by another validator, assuming the field
1569 # doesn't have blank=True.
1570 return
1571 kwargs['%s__iexact' % f.name] = field_val
1572 mod = opts.get_model_module()
1573 try:
1574 old_obj = mod.get_object(**kwargs)
1575 except ObjectDoesNotExist:
1576 return
1577 if hasattr(self, 'original_object') and getattr(self.original_object, opts.pk.name) == getattr(old_obj, opts.pk.name):
1578 pass
1579 else:
1580 raise validators.ValidationError, "%s with this %s already exists for the given %s." % \
1581 (capfirst(opts.verbose_name), field_list[0].verbose_name, get_text_list(field_name_list[1:], 'and'))
1583def manipulator_validator_unique_for_date(from_field, date_field, opts, lookup_type, self, field_data, all_data):
1584 date_str = all_data.get(date_field.get_manipulator_field_names('')[0], None)
1585 mod = opts.get_model_module()
1586 date_val = formfields.DateField.html2python(date_str)
1587 if date_val is None:
1588 return # Date was invalid. This will be caught by another validator.
1589 lookup_kwargs = {'%s__iexact' % from_field.name: field_data, '%s__year' % date_field.name: date_val.year}
1590 if lookup_type in ('month', 'date'):
1591 lookup_kwargs['%s__month' % date_field.name] = date_val.month
1592 if lookup_type == 'date':
1593 lookup_kwargs['%s__day' % date_field.name] = date_val.day
1594 try:
1595 old_obj = mod.get_object(**lookup_kwargs)
1596 except ObjectDoesNotExist:
1597 return
1598 else:
1599 if hasattr(self, 'original_object') and getattr(self.original_object, opts.pk.name) == getattr(old_obj, opts.pk.name):
1600 pass
1601 else:
1602 format_string = (lookup_type == 'date') and '%B %d, %Y' or '%B %Y'
1603 raise validators.ValidationError, "Please enter a different %s. The one you entered is already being used for %s." % \
1604 (from_field.verbose_name, date_val.strftime(format_string))
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