Ticket #13628: unitdest-warning.diff

File unitdest-warning.diff, 797 bytes (added by Dougal Matthews, 14 years ago)
  • topics/testing.txt

    7373Doctests use Python's standard doctest_ module, which searches your docstrings
    7474for statements that resemble a session of the Python interactive interpreter.
    7575A full explanation of how doctest works is out of the scope of this document;
    76 read Python's official documentation for the details.
     76read Python's official documentation for the details. doctests should be
     77avoided used and used primarily for documentation and examples only. This is
     78because a failing doctest can be difficult to find to debug and resolve as it
     79isn't always clear why it failed.
    7881.. admonition:: What's a **docstring**?
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