[[TOC()]] = !GeoDjango Installation = Installation of !GeoDjango also requires the installation of existing open source geographic libraries and a spatial database -- currently only PostGIS. This section will describe the installation process for these prerequisites. !GeoDjango is best supported on Linux/UNIX platforms, but also works on Windows (with a little more effort). The following platforms have been confirmed to work -- feel free to add to the list: * Linux * Debian Woody (2.4 Kernel) * Debian etch (2.6 Kernel) * Ubuntu 7.0 (2.6 Kernel) * Centos 5 (2.6 Kernel) * Mac OS X * 10.4.10 (Tiger) * 10.5 (Leopard) * Solaris 5.11 * Windows XP SP2 == Linux & UNIX Platforms == === Python & PostgreSQL === * '''Python''' * ''Required:'' Python 2.4 is required because of heavy use of 2.4 decorator syntax (''e.g.'' `@property`). The `ctypes` module needs to be installed as well. * ''Recommended:'' Python 2.5 is recommended because the `ctypes` module comes included. [http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.5.1/ Python 2.5.1] is the current latest. * '''PostgreSQL''' * ''Recommended:'' PostgreSQL 8.x. If installing binary packages, please install the development package as well for headers required in PostGIS compilation. * We are currently developing using both v8.1 and v8.2 of PostgreSQL. * On Ubuntu Feisty and Debian etch, install `postgresql-8.x` and `postgresql-server-dev-8.x` (the development package is required for PostGIS compilation). * On Debian etch install the `libpq-dev` package, which includes the `pg_config` executable (also required for PostGIS compilation). * '''psycopg2''' * [http://initd.org/tracker/psycopg/wiki/PsycopgTwo psycopg2] is a Python database adapter for PostgreSQL. Latest version is [http://initd.org/pub/software/psycopg/psycopg2-2.0.6.tar.gz 2.0.6]. === Django === * !GeoDjango exists in the `gis` branch from SVN: {{{ $ svn co http://code.djangoproject.com/svn/django/branches/gis django_gis $ ln -s django_gis/django /path/to/site-packages/django }}} * To detect the correct `site-packages` directory, the following command may be used: {{{ $ python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()" }}} === GEOS === * We have been developing using [http://geos.refractions.net/ GEOS] 3.0.0RC4, and have not tested using GEOS 2.x. Despite the "RC" nomenclature, 3.0.0RC4 is quite stable, and will be renamed to 3.0.0 after FOSS4G. * ''See'' Mateusz Loskot (GEOS lead developer), [http://lists.refractions.net/pipermail/geos-devel/2007-August/002936.html Note about GEOS 3.0.0 release]. * !GeoDjango has its own GEOS `ctypes` wrapper; you do ''not'' need to enable the existing GEOS Python bindings. * `ctypes` comes standard with Python 2.5. If you run Python 2.4, `ctypes` may be [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=71702&package_id=71318 downloaded here], but in Debian etch you may install the `python-ctypes` package. * If you are running Mac OS X 10.5 and using 3.0.0RC4 you will need to apply two quick hand-patches from [http://trac.osgeo.org/geos/ticket/162 here] and [http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/geos-devel/2007-November/003125.html here]. * Configure, make, and install (`g++` is required for compilation) {{{ $ ./configure $ make # make install }}} * '''Note:''' The path to the GEOS library may be manually specified by setting `GEOS_LIBRARY_PATH` in your settings with the full path to the GEOS library (e.g., the `.so` or `.dylib` file). === PROJ.4 === * Latest [http://proj.maptools.org/ PROJ.4] version is 4.5.0. We have no reason to believe that previous versions (''e.g.'', 4.4.x, 4.3.x) will not work. * First, download the PROJ [ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/proj/proj-datumgrid-1.3.tar.gz datum shifting files]. These will come in handy for coordinate transformations when other programs (like Mapserver or Mapnik) are not able to cope with EPSG transformations (I learned the hard way). Untar/unzip these in the `nad` subdirectory of the PROJ source. For example, if PROJ was unzipped in a directory named `proj`, then untar these files in `proj/nad`. Do this '''before''' you do the configure/make/install dance. * ''See'' [http://remotesensing.org/proj/faq.html PROJ FAQ]; ''see also'' [http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/data2/wilma/mapserver-users/0301/msg00541.html Frank Warmerdam's reply to a Mapserver question]. * Next, configure, make and install. {{{ $ ./configure $ make # make install }}} === PostGIS === * ''Required'': PostGIS ~~v1.1.0~~ v1.2.1 and above. 1.1.0 support is currently pending, ''see'' #5498. * ''Recommended'': Postgis v1.3.1 [http://postgis.refractions.net/download/ PostGIS] (this is the [http://postgis.refractions.net/news/20070809/ latest version]). * First build & install PostGIS. {{{ $ ./configure --with-geos --with-proj $ make # make install }}} * Note: the `flex` package maybe required for PostGIS compilation on Debian distributions and may be installed with the command: `apt-get install flex` * Next, create a role and database for your application, and allow it to access PostGIS functionality. PostGIS SQL files are installed in the PostgreSQL share directory (`/usr/postgres/8.2/share` in the example below; use the `pg_config --sharedir` command to determine this directory on your system). {{{ # su - postgres $ createuser $ createdb -O $ createlang plpgsql $ psql -d -f /usr/postgres/8.2/share/lwpostgis.sql $ psql -d -f /usr/postgres/8.2/share/spatial_ref_sys.sql $ psql =# GRANT SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE ON geometry_columns TO ; =# GRANT SELECT ON spatial_ref_sys TO ; }}} * Note: if you experience errors about not finding libraries, you may need to adjust your `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` (which may be configured system-wide by editing `/etc/ld.so.conf` and running `ldconfig`)(Hint: Most of the times the libraries you are looking for are in '/usr/local/lib'). Sometimes the errors are too many and not descriptive (i.e. operation aborted), in that cases use the '-s' switch on psql to debug step by step. On Solaris platforms use the `crle` utility to configure the runtime linking environment. * Finally, update your {{{settings.py}}} to reflect the name and user for the spatially enabled database. So far, we only plan to support the psycopg2 backend, thus: {{{DATABASE_ENGINE='postgresql_psycopg2'}}}. === GDAL === * ''Highly Recommended'': Some features (''e.g.'', a large number of {{{SpatialRefSys}}} model routines) require GDAL, but it is not necessary for core functionality like spatial queries. * GDAL/OGR includes useful for coordinate transformations and reading/writing ''both'' vector (''e.g.'', SHP) and raster (''e.g.'', GeoTIFF) geographic data. * For example, the following command will convert your SHP file into [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WGS84 WGS84] (standard lat/lon). Then you can import directly into your database using `shp2pgsql` (utility from PostGIS): {{{ ogr2ogr -t_srs WGS84 output.shp input.shp }}} * Latest [http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/DownloadSource GDAL] version is 1.4.2. Configure with GEOS then make (use {{{gmake}}} on Solaris platforms) and install: {{{ $ ./configure --with-geos $ make # make install }}} * '''Note:''' The path to the GDAL library may be manually specified by setting `GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH` in your settings with the full path to the GDAL library (e.g., the `.so` or `.dylib` file). * !GeoDjango uses a native `ctypes` API to access OGR and OSR capabilities, there is no need configure the GDAL Python bindings. If you still want to use the GDAL Python API for your own applications, then use the following configuration flags: * `--with-python` `--without-ngpython`: the deprecated, but stable API. * `--without-python` `--with-ngpython`: the "next-generation" SWIG-based bindings -- used to problematic for Python 2.5 users, but the GDAL team has solved a lot of these issues in 1.4.2. * ''See generally'' [http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/GdalOgrInPython GDAL/OGR In Python] on the GDAL trac wiki. == Windows == Still a work in progress -- but it's a start for closing #4397. '''Note:''' The installation for the GEOS and GDAL libaries is 'hackish' right now. A sustainable long-term solution (''i.e.'' an installer) needs to be developed for these libraries. === Introduction === These instructions will cover using binary packages to install !GeoDjango on Windows 2000/XP platforms. Compiling prerequisite packages (''e.g.'', GEOS) from source on Windows is beyond the scope of this documentation, as it assumes the use of community-built binary installers. That said, here are some additional program recommendations that, while not required, make your Python experience in Windows less painful: * The Windows command-line terminal is It's difficult to re-size and copy and paste from. I (jbronn) find [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=43764&package_id=36333 Console2] more convenient to use than one supplied with Windows (`cmd.exe`). * [http://ipython.scipy.org/moin/FrontPage IPython] also runs on Windows, and makes life easier. * Latest version of IPython is [http://ipython.scipy.org/dist/ipython-0.8.1.win32.exe 0.8.1]. * For terminal colors and tab completion (two of IPython's strong points), also install the [http://ipython.scipy.org/moin/PyReadline/Intro pyreadline] library (latest version is [http://ipython.scipy.org/dist/pyreadline-1.4.4.win32.exe 1.4.4]). * For documentation, check out the [http://ipython.scipy.org/moin/IpythonOnWindows IPython on Windows] documentation. ''See also'' [http://ipython.scipy.org/doc/manual/node2.html#sub:Under-Windows IPython installation windows instructions], and [http://ipython.scipy.org/moin/IpythonOnConsole IPython on Console]. === Python === Download and run the [http://python.org/ftp/python/2.5.1/python-2.5.1.msi Python installer]. We highly recommend you use Python 2.5 or greater (2.5.1 is the latest, and the version linked to). Python 2.5 includes the `ctypes` library, which is required for the GEOS, GDAL, and readline (if you're using IPython) interfaces. Python 2.4 users may obtain `ctypes` from the [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=71702 sourceforge download page]. In order to be able to invoke `python` from the command-line, setup your Windows `Path` environment variable to include the Python installation directory: 1. Right-click on "My Computer" icon (either on the Desktop or through the Start Menu). 2. Select the "Advanced" tab. 3. Click the "Environment Variables" 4. Under "System Variables" select `Path` and click the "Edit" button. 5. Append "`;C:\Python25`" to the value therein. === PostgreSQL === Download and run the PostgreSQL installer from [http://www.postgresql.org/ftp/binary/v8.2.4/win32/ here]. Do '''not''' install the PostGIS version bundled with this installer. The latest version of PostgreSQL is 8.2.5. If you want to invoke PostgreSQL commands from the shell, append "`;C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.2\bin`" to the Windows `Path`. === PostGIS === PostGIS maintains a [http://postgis.refractions.net/download/windows/ distribution for Windows], and includes pre-built libraries for PROJ 4.5.0 and GEOS 3.0.0rc4 (both are the latest versions). You may download the latest [http://postgis.refractions.net/download/windows/pg82/postgis-pg82-setup-1.3.1-1.exe PostGIS (1.3.1) here]. Run this ''after'' the PostgreSQL installer. If you added the directory to PostgreSQL to your `Path` (see above), the following command may be used to easily create spatial databases: {{{ C:\> createdb -T template_postgis }}} === psycopg2 === Windows binary packages of the `psycopg2` module are packaged by Jason Erickson, and may be downloaded from his [http://www.stickpeople.com/projects/python/win-psycopg/ win-psycopg website]. The latest version maintained for Python 2.5 and PostgreSQL 8.2.4 is [http://www.stickpeople.com/projects/python/win-psycopg/psycopg2-2.0.6.win32-py2.5-pg8.2.4-release.exe pyscopg2 2.0.6]. === GEOS === After PostGIS has installed, copy the GEOS (`libgeos-3-0-0rc4.dll`, `libgeos_c-1.dll`), and PROJ (`libproj.dll`) libraries from `C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.2\bin` (or wherever you installed PostgreSQL) to a location accessible to the Python interpreter (''e.g.'', `C:\Python25\DLLs`, or `C:\Python25`). '''Note:''' The path to the GEOS library may be manually specified by setting `GEOS_LIBRARY_PATH` in your settings with the full path of the DLL. === GDAL/OGR === The premiere GDAL/OGR binary package for Windows is [http://fwtools.maptools.org/ FWTools], however, the libraries I downloaded (1.4.1 at the time) were missing functions needed for the library interface -- I need to investigate again to provide additional details. This is the reason why QGIS is used to obtain compiled GDAL libraries for Windows. A snapshot (0.9.0 Preview-2) windows installer of [http://www.qgis.org/ Quantum GIS] (QGIS) can be obtained from [http://download.qgis.org/qgis/win32/qgis_setup0.9.0.01_09_2007.exe here]. Once installed, copy all the DLLs from `C:\Program Files\Quantum GIS` to `C:\Python25`: Do not overwrite any dlls that come from PostGIS. '''Note:''' The path to the GDAL library may be manually specified by setting `GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH` in your settings with the full path of the DLL. == Oracle == !GeoDjango has preliminary support for Oracle Locator/Spatial as of r6524 (though none of the advanced features of Oracle Spatial are utilized). Oracle's express edition (XE) is ''not supported''. Apparently, even though XE supports Locator's `SDO_GEOMETRY` objects and queries, XE does not include support for Java extensions -- which are required to construct and/or extract geometries from WKT. For the sake of simplicity, WKT geometry construction and extraction was used when implementing the [browser:django/branches/gis/django/contrib/gis/db/backend/oracle Oracle spatial backend]. Patches for creating WKT from `SDO_GEOMETRY` statements would be required to extend support for the XE platforms. * ''See'' Siva Rivada's (`sravada`) forum posts in the following Oracle forum threads: "[http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?messageID=1340411� Re: Problem with TO_WKTGEOMETRY/FROM_WKTGEOMETRY]", and "[http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?messageID=1237000� Oracle Database 10g R2 ( Express Edition (Locator) Available!!]" === Requirements === * Oracle 10g and above with Locator (installation is way beyond the scope of this documentation). * [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=84168 cx_Oracle] 4.3.2 and above. * GEOS (still required for Lazy-Geometries -- see installation instructions above). == Third-Party Library Installation Tests == You can run these tests in order to see if the installation was successful. {{{ $ python }}} {{{ #!python >>> from django.contrib.gis.gdal import HAS_GDAL >>> print HAS_GDAL # Will be False if GDAL libraries are not found True >>> from django.contrib.gis.tests import test_gdal >>> test_gdal.run() }}} {{{ #!python >>> from django.contrib.gis.tests import test_geos >>> test_geos.run() }}}