Changes between Initial Version and Version 2 of Ticket #15257

Feb 11, 2011, 4:10:32 PM (14 years ago)
Gabriel Hurley

I suppose Paul's suggestion is as good a solution as any. That snippet he links to at least gives a general introduction to "this is the way it is", which is better than nothing. The reality, though, is that the double underscore is a relatively arbitrary delimiter, and is used by convention (not just in Django). I am not aware of any good links on why it's used as such.

I'll accept a patch as per Paul's comment, though.


  • Ticket #15257

    • Property Needs documentation unset
    • Property Triage Stage UnreviewedAccepted
  • TabularUnified Ticket #15257 – Description

    initial v2  
    55this text appears:
    7 ====
    99# The API automatically follows relationships as far as you need.
    1212# Find all Choices for any poll whose pub_date is in 2007.
    14 ====
    16 The use of double-underscore as a syntactic element is not familiar to me.  I accept without objection that it *is* used in this context, but it is unfamiliar.  Since the audience for this tutorial *probably* includes at least *some* people as ignorant as I am, maybe a separate page for some examples of how the double-underscore syntax relates to particular object references would be helpful.  (E.g., "See examples _here_", linking to a page with examples, "this__that__the-other" ==> "this.that.the-other" etc.)
     16The use of double-underscore as a syntactic element is not familiar to me.  I accept without objection that it *is* used in this context, but it is unfamiliar.  Since the audience for this tutorial *probably* includes at least *some* people as ignorant as I am, maybe a separate page for some examples of how the double-underscore syntax relates to particular object references would be helpful.  (E.g., "See examples _here_", linking to a page with examples, `"this__that__the-other" ==> "this.that.the-other"` etc.)
    1818Since I explicitly lack experience here, my recommendation could be completely wrong; I leave that to you.
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