Ticket #5776: 5776.diff

File 5776.diff, 873 bytes (added by arien <regexbot@…>, 17 years ago)
  • docs/install.txt

    7474If you plan to use Django's ``manage.py syncdb`` command to
    7575automatically create database tables for your models, you'll need to
    7676ensure that Django has permission to create tables in the database
    77 you're using; if you plan to manually create the tables, you can
    78 simply grant Django ``SELECT``, ``INSERT``, ``UPDATE`` and ``DELETE``
     77you're using; if you plan to manually create the tables, you will only
     78need to grant Django ``SELECT``, ``INSERT``, ``UPDATE`` and ``DELETE``
    7979permissions. Django does not issue ``ALTER TABLE`` statements, and so
    8080will not require permission to do so. If you will be using Django's
    8181`testing framework`_ with data fixtures, Django will need permission
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