Ticket #5492: i18n.2.diff

File i18n.2.diff, 953 bytes (added by Manuel Saelices, 17 years ago)

There was another typo error. Fixed in this patch

  • TabularUnified docs/i18n.txt

    752752sends out a JavaScript code library with functions that mimic the ``gettext``
    753753interface, plus an array of translation strings. Those translation strings are
    754754taken from the application, project or Django core, according to what you
    755 specify in either the {{{info_dict}}} or the URL.
     755specify in either the ``info_dict`` or the URL.
    757757You hook it up like this::
    820820You create and update the translation catalogs the same way as the other Django
    821 translation catalogs -- with the {{{make-messages.py}}} tool. The only
     821translation catalogs -- with the ``make-messages.py`` tool. The only
    822822difference is you need to provide a ``-d djangojs`` parameter, like this::
    824824    make-messages.py -d djangojs -l de
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