Ticket #5432: django_form_preview.diff

File django_form_preview.diff, 4.7 KB (added by Ryan Kanno, 17 years ago)

Adds documentation about formtools.preview

  • TabularUnified docs/add_ons.txt

    7171"Display an HTML form, force a preview, then do something with the submission."
    73 Full documentation for this feature does not yet exist, but you can read the
    74 code and docstrings in ``django/contrib/formtools/preview.py`` for a start.
     73See the `form preview documentation`_.
     75.. _form preview documentation: ../form_preview/
  • TabularUnified docs/form_preview.txt

     2Form preview
     5Django comes with an optional form preview application that helps with the
     6following workflow:
     8"Display an HTML form, force a preview, then do something with the submission."
     10To force a preview of a form submission, all you have to do is write a short
     11Python class.
     16Given a ``django.newforms.Form`` object that you define, this application takes
     17care of the following workflow:
     19    1. Displays the form as HTML on a Web page.
     20    2. Validates the form data once it's submitted via POST.
     21       a. If it's valid, displays a preview page.
     22       b. If it's not valid, redisplays the form with error messages.
     23    3. At the preview page, if the preview confirmation button is pressed, calls
     24       a hook that you define -- a done() method.
     26The framework enforces the required preview by passing a shared-secret hash to
     27the preview page. If somebody tweaks the form parameters on the preview page,
     28the form submission will fail the hash comparison test.
     30How to use FormPreview
     33    1. Point Django at the default FormPreview templates. There are two ways to
     34       do this:
     36       * Add ``'django.contrib.formtools'`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS``
     37         setting. This will work if your ``TEMPLATE_LOADERS`` setting includes
     38         the ``app_directories`` template loader (which is the case by
     39         default). See the `template loader docs`_ for more.
     41       * Otherwise, determine the full filesystem path to the
     42         ``django/contrib/formtools/templates`` directory, and add that
     43         directory to your ``TEMPLATE_DIRS`` setting.
     45    2. Create a FormPreview subclass that overrides the done() method of the
     46       FormPreview class::
     48           from django.contrib.formtools import FormPreview
     49           from myapp.models import SomeModel
     51           class SomeModelFormPreview(FormPreview):
     53               def done(self, request, cleaned_data):
     54                   ''' Submit form, then redirect to success '''
     55                   return HttpResponseRedirect('/form/success')
     57       This method takes an HttpRequest object and a dictionary of the form
     58       data after it has been validated and cleaned. It should return an
     59       HttpResponseRedirect that is the end result of the form being submitted.
     60       The FormPreview subclass can live anywhere in your codebase.
     62    3. Change your URLconf to point to the ``FormPreview`` workflow::
     64           from myapp.preview import SomeModelFormPreview
     65           from myapp.models import SomeModel
     66           from django import newforms as forms
     68       ...and add the following line to the appropriate model in your URLconf::
     70           (r'^post/$', SomeModelFormPreview(forms.models.form_for_model(SomeModel))),
     72       or if you already have a Form class defined for the model::
     74           (r'^post/$', SomeModelFormPreview(SomeModelForm)),
     76    4. Run the Django server and visit the appropriate model ``/post/`` in
     77       your browser.
     79.. _template loader docs: ../templates_python/#loader-types
     81FormPreview classes
     84A FormPreview class is a simple Python class that represents the preview
     85workflow.  FormPreview classes must subclass
     86``django.contrib.formtools.preview.FormPreview`` and override the done() method.
     87They can live anywhere in your codebase. 
     89FormPreview templates
     92By default, the form is rendered via the template ``formtools/form.html``, and
     93the preview page is rendered via the template ``formtools.preview.html``.  These
     94values can be overridden for a particular form preview by setting
     95``preview_template`` and ``form_template`` attributes on the FormPreview
     96subclass.  See ``django/contrib/formtools/templates`` for the default templates.
     97 No newline at end of file
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