Ticket #5390: 5390-against-12033.diff

File 5390-against-12033.diff, 18.0 KB (added by frans, 15 years ago)

updated diff with correct clear() management and more recent version of trunk

  • django/db/models/fields/related.py

    424424    through = rel.through
    425425    class ManyRelatedManager(superclass):
    426426        def __init__(self, model=None, core_filters=None, instance=None, symmetrical=None,
    427                 join_table=None, source_field_name=None, target_field_name=None):
     427                join_table=None, source_field_name=None, target_field_name=None,
     428                field_name=None, reverse=False):
    428429            super(ManyRelatedManager, self).__init__()
    429430            self.core_filters = core_filters
    430431            self.model = model
    434435            self.target_field_name = target_field_name
    435436            self.through = through
    436437            self._pk_val = self.instance.pk
     438            self.field_name = field_name
     439            self.reverse = reverse
    437440            if self._pk_val is None:
    438441                raise ValueError("%r instance needs to have a primary key value before a many-to-many relationship can be used." % instance.__class__.__name__)
    513516                    source_field_name: self._pk_val,
    514517                    '%s__in' % target_field_name: new_ids,
    515518                })
    516                 vals = set(vals)
     519                new_ids = new_ids - set(vals)
    518520                # Add the ones that aren't there already
    519                 for obj_id in (new_ids - vals):
     521                for obj_id in new_ids :
    520522                    self.through._default_manager.using(self.instance._state.db).create(**{
    521523                        '%s_id' % source_field_name: self._pk_val,
    522524                        '%s_id' % target_field_name: obj_id,
    523525                    })
     526                added_objs = [obj for obj in objs if \
     527                      (isinstance(obj, self.model) and obj._get_pk_val() in new_ids) \
     528                      or obj in new_ids]
     529                if self.reverse:
     530                    sender = self.model
     531                else:
     532                    sender = self.instance.__class__
     533                    signals.m2m_changed.send(sender=sender, action='add',
     534                        instance=self.instance, model=self.model,
     535                        reverse=self.reverse, field_name=self.field_name,
     536                        objects=added_objs)
    525538        def _remove_items(self, source_field_name, target_field_name, *objs):
    526539            # source_col_name: the PK colname in join_table for the source object
    541554                    source_field_name: self._pk_val,
    542555                    '%s__in' % target_field_name: old_ids
    543556                }).delete()
     557                if self.reverse:
     558                    sender = self.model
     559                else:
     560                    sender = self.instance.__class__
     561                signals.m2m_changed.send(sender=sender, action="remove",
     562                    instance=self.instance, model=self.model,
     563                    reverse=self.reverse, field_name=self.field_name, 
     564                    objects=list(objs))
    545567        def _clear_items(self, source_field_name):
    546568            # source_col_name: the PK colname in join_table for the source object
     569            if self.reverse:
     570                sender = self.model
     571            else:
     572                sender = self.instance.__class__
     573            signals.m2m_changed.send(sender=sender, action="clear",
     574                instance=self.instance, model=self.model, reverse=self.reverse,
     575                field_name=self.field_name, objects=None)
    547576            self.through._default_manager.using(self.instance._state.db).filter(**{
    548577                source_field_name: self._pk_val
    549578            }).delete()
    576605            instance=instance,
    577606            symmetrical=False,
    578607            source_field_name=self.related.field.m2m_reverse_field_name(),
    579             target_field_name=self.related.field.m2m_field_name()
     608            target_field_name=self.related.field.m2m_field_name(),
     609            field_name=self.related.field.name,
     610            reverse=True
    580611        )
    582613        return manager
    590621            raise AttributeError, "Cannot set values on a ManyToManyField which specifies an intermediary model. Use %s.%s's Manager instead." % (opts.app_label, opts.object_name)
    592623        manager = self.__get__(instance)
    593         manager.clear()
    594         manager.add(*value)
     624        previous=set(manager.all())
     625        new=set(value)
     626        if not new:
     627            manager.clear()
     628        else:
     629            added=new-previous
     630            removed=previous-new
     631            if added :
     632                manager.add(*added)
     633            if removed :
     634                manager.remove(*removed)
    596637class ReverseManyRelatedObjectsDescriptor(object):
    597638    # This class provides the functionality that makes the related-object
    598639    # managers available as attributes on a model class, for fields that have
    626667            instance=instance,
    627668            symmetrical=(self.field.rel.symmetrical and isinstance(instance, rel_model)),
    628669            source_field_name=self.field.m2m_field_name(),
    629             target_field_name=self.field.m2m_reverse_field_name()
     670            target_field_name=self.field.m2m_reverse_field_name(),
     671            field_name=self.field.name,
     672            reverse=False
    630673        )
    632675        return manager
    640683            raise AttributeError, "Cannot set values on a ManyToManyField which specifies an intermediary model.  Use %s.%s's Manager instead." % (opts.app_label, opts.object_name)
    642685        manager = self.__get__(instance)
    643         manager.clear()
    644         manager.add(*value)
     686        previous=set(manager.all())
     687        new=set(value)
     688        if not new:
     689            manager.clear()
     690        else:
     691            added=new-previous
     692            removed=previous-new
     693            if added :
     694                manager.add(*added)
     695            if removed :
     696                manager.remove(*removed)
    646698class ManyToOneRel(object):
    647699    def __init__(self, to, field_name, related_name=None,
  • django/db/models/signals.py

    1212post_delete = Signal(providing_args=["instance"])
    1414post_syncdb = Signal(providing_args=["class", "app", "created_models", "verbosity", "interactive"])
     16m2m_changed = Signal(providing_args=["instance", "action", "model", "field_name", "reverse", "objects"])
  • tests/modeltests/m2m_signals/__init__.py

  • tests/modeltests/m2m_signals/models.py

     2Testing signals emitted on changing m2m relations.
     5from django.db import models
     7class Part(models.Model):
     8    name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
     10    def __unicode__(self):
     11        return self.name
     13class Car(models.Model):
     14    name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
     15    default_parts = models.ManyToManyField(Part)
     16    optional_parts = models.ManyToManyField(Part, related_name='cars_optional')
     18    def __unicode__(self):
     19        return self.name
     21def m2m_changed_test(signal, sender, **kwargs):
     22    print 'm2m_changed signal'
     23    print 'instance:', kwargs['instance']
     24    print 'action:', kwargs['action']
     25    print 'reverse:', kwargs['reverse']
     26    print 'field_name:', kwargs['field_name']
     27    print 'model:', kwargs['model']
     28    print 'objects:',kwargs['objects']
     31__test__ = {'API_TESTS':"""
     32>>> models.signals.m2m_changed.connect(m2m_changed_test, Car)
     34# Test the add, remove and clear methods on both sides of the
     35# many-to-many relation
     37>>> c1 = Car.objects.create(name='VW')
     38>>> c2 = Car.objects.create(name='BMW')
     39>>> c3 = Car.objects.create(name='Toyota')
     40>>> p1 = Part.objects.create(name='Wheelset')
     41>>> p2 = Part.objects.create(name='Doors')
     42>>> p3 = Part.objects.create(name='Engine')
     43>>> p4 = Part.objects.create(name='Airbag')
     44>>> p5 = Part.objects.create(name='Sunroof')
     46# adding some default parts to our car
     47>>> c1.default_parts.add(p1, p2, p3)
     48m2m_changed signal
     49instance: VW
     50action: add
     51reverse: False
     52field_name: default_parts
     53model: <class 'modeltests.m2m_signals.models.Part'>
     54objects: [<Part: Wheelset>, <Part: Doors>, <Part: Engine>]
     56# give the BMW and Toyata some doors as well
     57>>> p2.car_set.add(c2, c3)
     58m2m_changed signal
     59instance: Doors
     60action: add
     61reverse: True
     62field_name: default_parts
     63model: <class 'modeltests.m2m_signals.models.Car'>
     64objects: [<Car: BMW>, <Car: Toyota>]
     66# remove the engine from the VW and the airbag (which is not set but is returned)
     67>>> c1.default_parts.remove(p3, p4)
     68m2m_changed signal
     69instance: VW
     70action: remove
     71reverse: False
     72field_name: default_parts
     73model: <class 'modeltests.m2m_signals.models.Part'>
     74objects: [<Part: Engine>, <Part: Airbag>]
     76# give the VW some optional parts (second relation to same model)
     77>>> c1.optional_parts.add(p4,p5)
     78m2m_changed signal
     79instance: VW
     80action: add
     81reverse: False
     82field_name: optional_parts
     83model: <class 'modeltests.m2m_signals.models.Part'>
     84objects: [<Part: Airbag>, <Part: Sunroof>]
     86# add airbag to all the cars (even though the VW already has one)
     87>>> p4.cars_optional.add(c1, c2, c3)
     88m2m_changed signal
     89instance: Airbag
     90action: add
     91reverse: True
     92field_name: optional_parts
     93model: <class 'modeltests.m2m_signals.models.Car'>
     94objects: [<Car: BMW>, <Car: Toyota>]
     96# remove airbag from the VW (reverse relation with custom related_name)
     97>>> p4.cars_optional.remove(c1)
     98m2m_changed signal
     99instance: Airbag
     100action: remove
     101reverse: True
     102field_name: optional_parts
     103model: <class 'modeltests.m2m_signals.models.Car'>
     104objects: [<Car: VW>]
     106# clear all parts of the VW
     107>>> c1.default_parts.clear()
     108m2m_changed signal
     109instance: VW
     110action: clear
     111reverse: False
     112field_name: default_parts
     113model: <class 'modeltests.m2m_signals.models.Part'>
     114objects: None
     116# take all the doors off of cars
     117>>> p2.car_set.clear()
     118m2m_changed signal
     119instance: Doors
     120action: clear
     121reverse: True
     122field_name: default_parts
     123model: <class 'modeltests.m2m_signals.models.Car'>
     124objects: None
     126# take all the airbags off of cars (clear reverse relation with custom related_name)
     127>>> p4.cars_optional.clear()
     128m2m_changed signal
     129instance: Airbag
     130action: clear
     131reverse: True
     132field_name: optional_parts
     133model: <class 'modeltests.m2m_signals.models.Car'>
     134objects: None
     136# alternative ways of setting relation:
     138>>> c1.default_parts.create(name='Windows')
     139m2m_changed signal
     140instance: VW
     141action: add
     142reverse: False
     143field_name: default_parts
     144model: <class 'modeltests.m2m_signals.models.Part'>
     145objects: [<Part: Windows>]
     146<Part: Windows>
     148# direct assignment clears the set first, then adds
     149>>> c1.default_parts = [p1,p2,p3]
     150m2m_changed signal
     151instance: VW
     152action: clear
     153reverse: False
     154field_name: default_parts
     155model: <class 'modeltests.m2m_signals.models.Part'>
     156objects: None
     157m2m_changed signal
     158instance: VW
     159action: add
     160reverse: False
     161field_name: default_parts
     162model: <class 'modeltests.m2m_signals.models.Part'>
     163objects: [<Part: Wheelset>, <Part: Doors>, <Part: Engine>]
     165>>> models.signals.m2m_changed.disconnect(m2m_changed_test)
  • docs/topics/signals.txt

    2929      Sent before or after a model's :meth:`~django.db.models.Model.delete`
    3030      method is called.
     32    * :data:`django.db.models.signals.m2m_changed`
     34      Sent when a :class:`ManyToManyField` on a model is changed.
    3336    * :data:`django.core.signals.request_started` &
    3437      :data:`django.core.signals.request_finished`
  • docs/ref/signals.txt

    170170        Note that the object will no longer be in the database, so be very
    171171        careful what you do with this instance.
     176.. data:: django.db.models.signals.m2m_changed
     177   :module:
     179Sent when a :class:`ManyToManyField` is changed on a model instance.
     180Strictly speaking, this is not a model signal since it is sent by the
     181:class:`ManyToManyField`, but since it complements the
     182:data:`pre_save`/:data:`post_save` and :data:`pre_delete`/:data:`post_delete`
     183when it comes to tracking changes to models, it is included here.
     185Arguments sent with this signal:
     187    ``sender``
     188        The model class containing the :class:`ManyToManyField`.
     190    ``instance``
     191        The instance whose many-to-many relation is updated. This can be an
     192        instance of the ``sender``, or of the class the :class:`ManyToManyField`
     193        is related to.
     195    ``action``
     196        A string indicating the type of update that is done on the relation.
     197        This can be one of the following:
     199        ``"add"``
     200            Sent *after* one or more objects are added to the relation,
     201        ``"remove"``       
     202            Sent *after* one or more objects are removed from the relation,
     203        ``"clear"``
     204            Sent *before* the relation is cleared.
     206    ``model``
     207        The class of the objects that are added to, removed from or cleared
     208        from the relation.
     210    ``field_name``
     211        The name of the :class:`ManyToManyField` in the ``sender`` class.
     212        This can be used to identify which relation has changed
     213        when multiple many-to-many relations to the same model
     214        exist in ``sender``.
     216    ``reverse``
     217        Indicates which side of the relation is updated.
     218        It is ``False`` for updates on an instance of the ``sender`` and
     219        ``True`` for updates on an instance of the related class.
     221    ``objects``
     222        With the ``"add"`` and ``"remove"`` action, this is a list of
     223        objects that have been added to or removed from the relation.
     224        The class of these objects is given in the ``model`` argument.
     226        For the ``"clear"`` action, this is ``None`` .
     228        Note that if you pass primary keys to the ``add`` or ``remove`` method
     229        of a relation, ``objects`` will contain primary keys, not instances.
     230        Also note that if you pass objects to the ``add`` method that are
     231        already in the relation, they will not be in the ``objects`` list.
     232        (This doesn't apply to ``remove``.)
     234For example, if a ``Pizza`` can have multiple ``Topping`` objects, modeled
     235like this:
     237.. code-block:: python
     239    class Topping(models.Model):
     240        # ...
     242    class Pizza(models.Model):
     243        # ...
     244        toppings = models.ManyToManyField(Topping)
     246If we would do something like this:
     248.. code-block:: python
     250    >>> p = Pizza.object.create(...)
     251    >>> t = Topping.objects.create(...)
     252    >>> p.toppings.add(t)
     254the arguments sent to a :data:`m2m_changed` handler would be:
     256    ==============  ============================================================
     257    Argument        Value
     258    ==============  ============================================================
     259    ``sender``      ``Pizza`` (the class containing the field)
     261    ``instance``    ``p`` (the ``Pizza`` instance being modified)
     263    ``action``      ``"add"`` since the ``add`` method was called
     265    ``model``       ``Topping`` (the class of the objects added to the
     266                    ``Pizza``)
     268    ``reverse``     ``False`` (since ``Pizza`` contains the
     269                    :class:`ManyToManyField`)
     271    ``field_name``  ``"topping"`` (the name of the :class:`ManyToManyField`)
     273    ``objects``     ``[t]`` (since only ``Topping t`` was added to the relation)
     274    ==============  ============================================================
     276And if we would then do something like this:
     278.. code-block:: python
     280    >>> t.pizza_set.remove(p)
     282the arguments sent to a :data:`m2m_changed` handler would be:
     284    ==============  ============================================================
     285    Argument        Value
     286    ==============  ============================================================
     287    ``sender``      ``Pizza`` (the class containing the field)
     289    ``instance``    ``t`` (the ``Topping`` instance being modified)
     291    ``action``      ``"remove"`` since the ``remove`` method was called
     293    ``model``       ``Pizza`` (the class of the objects removed from the
     294                    ``Topping``)
     296    ``reverse``     ``True`` (since ``Pizza`` contains the
     297                    :class:`ManyToManyField` but the relation is modified
     298                    through ``Topping``)
     300    ``field_name``  ``"topping"`` (the name of the :class:`ManyToManyField`)
     302    ``objects``     ``[p]`` (since only ``Pizza p`` was removed from the
     303                    relation)
     304    ==============  ============================================================
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