Ticket #528: build_htmldocs-links_work-with_docs.diff

File build_htmldocs-links_work-with_docs.diff, 22.1 KB (added by mrts, 17 years ago)

Patch that implements a management command for adding docs, with documentation.

  • TabularUnified django/core/management/commands/htmldocs.py

     2Command that converts Django documentation from ReST to HTML.
     4Based on django_website/apps/docs/builder.py.
     7# TODO:
     8# 1. fix inter-page links
     9# 2. fetch external images and place them to img directory, fix image links
     10# 3. add images used in CSS (in notes etc)
     11# 4. add PDF support, take inspiration from http://code.google.com/p/rst2pdf/
     13import os
     14import shutil
     15from optparse import make_option
     16from django.core.management import BaseCommand, CommandError
     18CSS_FILE = "docs.css"
     20class Command(BaseCommand):
     21    option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
     22            make_option('--single', action='store_true', dest='single',
     23                default=False, help = "Write a single combined HTML file. "
     24                "Not recommended, produces output that is harder to navigate."),
     25    )
     26    help = ("Converts Django documentation to HTML. Uses the given Django "
     27            "documentation directory for reading documentation source and "
     28            "output directory for writing HTML files. Creates the output "
     29            "directory if it does not exist.")
     30    args = "[Django documentation directory] [output directory]"
     32    requires_model_validation = False
     33    can_import_settings = False
     35    def handle(self, *paths, **options):
     36        try:
     37            from docutils.core import publish_parts
     38        except ImportError:
     39            raise CommandError("The docutils module is required to run "
     40                    "this command.")
     42        if len(paths) != 2:
     43            raise CommandError("Please provide exactly two arguments in the "
     44                    "following order: %s." % self.args)
     46        source, dest = paths
     47        if not os.path.exists(dest):
     48            try:
     49                os.mkdir(dest)
     50            except OSError, e:
     51                raise CommandError("Failed to create directory '%s'. "
     52                        "The error was '%s'." % (dest, e))
     53        for p in source, dest:
     54            if not os.path.isdir(p):
     55                raise CommandError("'%s' is not a directory." % p)
     57        css_path = os.path.join(source, "css", CSS_FILE)
     58        if not os.path.exists(css_path):
     59            raise CommandError("'%s' does not appear to be a Django "
     60                    "documentation directory (stylesheet not found)" % source)
     61        try:
     62            shutil.copy(css_path, dest)
     63        except IOError, e:
     64            raise CommandError("Unable to write to directory '%s'. "
     65                    "The error was '%s'." % (dest, e))
     67        opt_single = options.get("single", False)
     69        files = [f for f in os.listdir(source) if f.endswith('.txt')]
     70        files.sort()
     72        if opt_single:
     73            docs = []
     74        index = []
     75        for file in files:
     76            out = file[:-4] + ".html"
     77            print "Converting '%s'... " % out,
     78            doc = publish_parts(open(os.path.join(source, file)).read(),
     79                    writer=get_django_html_writer(opt_single),
     80                    settings_overrides={'initial_header_level': 2})
     81            print "done"
     82            try:
     83                index.append([out, doc['title']])
     84            except KeyError:
     85                index.append([out, 'UNKNOWN (%s)' % file])
     87            if opt_single:
     88                doc['id'] = out
     89                docs.append(doc)
     90            else:
     91                out_path = os.path.join(dest, out)
     92                print "Writing '%s'... " % out_path,
     93                open(out_path, 'w').write(render_doc(doc))
     94                print "done"
     96        # write out either index or the single combined page
     97        doc = None
     98        if opt_single:
     99            doc = {
     100                'title' : "Documentation",
     101                'toc' : get_single_toc(index),
     102                'body' : get_single_body(docs)
     103            }
     104        else:
     105            doc = {
     106                'title' : "Documentation index",
     107                'toc' : "<p>This is the automatically genrated documentation "
     108                            "index. The automatic documentation is a basic "
     109                            "reference, more resources are available on the "
     110                            '<a href="http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/">'
     111                            "Django website</a>.</p>",
     112                'body' : '<ul>%s</ul>' % \
     113                        '\n'.join(['<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>' \
     114                            % (href, title) for href, title in index ])
     115            }
     116        print "Writing index... ",
     117        open(os.path.join(dest, "index.html"), 'w').write(render_doc(doc))
     118        print "done"
     119        print "All done"
     121def get_single_toc(index):
     122    """
     123    Creates the table of contents for single-document output.
     124    """
     125    toc = '<ul class="toc">%s</ul>'
     126    line = '<li><a class="reference internal" href="#%s">%s</a></li>'
     127    return toc % '\n'.join([ line % (name, title) for name, title in index])
     129def get_single_body(docs):
     130    """
     131    Joins individual documents into a single document.
     132    """
     133    chunk = '<h1 id="%(id)s">%(title)s</h1>\n%(body)s'
     134    return '\n'.join([chunk % doc for doc in docs])
     136def render_doc(doc):
     137    """
     138    Renders the document with a HTML template.
     139    """
     140    return ("""<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
     141        "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
     142<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
     143        <head>
     144                <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
     145                <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us" />
     146                <title>%(title)s | Django Documentation</title>
     147                <link href="docs.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
     148    </head>
     149    <body id="documentation" class="default">
     150    <div id="container">
     151        <div id="header">
     152            <ul id="nav-global">
     153                <li id="nav-homepage"><a href="index.html">Documentation index</a></li>
     154            </ul>
     155        </div>
     156        <div id="billboard"><h2><a href="index.html" style="color: white; height:40px; padding-top:20px; text-indent:22px;">Django documentation</a></h2></div>
     157        <div id="columnwrap">
     158            <div id="content-main">
     159                <h1>%(title)s</h1>
     160                %(body)s
     161            </div>
     162            <div id="content-related" class="sidebar">
     163                <h2>Contents</h2>
     164                %(toc)s
     165            </div>
     166        </div>
     167        <div id="footer">
     168            <p><a href="index.html"><< Back to documentation index</a></p>
     169        </div>
     170    </div>
     171    </body>
     172</html>""" % doc).encode('utf-8')
     174def get_django_html_writer(is_single):
     175    """
     176    Returns the Django HTML writer instance. Note that we need to define the
     177    classes inside a function to avoid triggering an import error when
     178    docutils is unavailable.
     179    """
     180    from docutils import nodes
     181    from docutils.writers import html4css1
     182    import re
     184    class DjangoHTMLTranslator(html4css1.HTMLTranslator):
     185        """
     186        reST -> HTML translator subclass that outputs Django-specific markup.
     187        """
     189        # Prevent name attributes from being generated
     190        named_tags = []
     192        def __init__(self, document):
     193            html4css1.HTMLTranslator.__init__(self, document)
     194            self._in_literal = 0
     196        # Remove the default border=1 from <table>
     197        def visit_table(self, node):
     198            self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'table', CLASS='docutils'))
     200        # No smartypants conversion
     202        # Avoid <blockquote>s around merely indented nodes.
     203        # Adapted from
     204        # http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.text.docutils.user/742/focus=804
     206        _suppress_blockquote_child_nodes = (
     207            nodes.bullet_list, nodes.enumerated_list, nodes.definition_list,
     208            nodes.literal_block, nodes.doctest_block, nodes.line_block,
     209            nodes.table
     210        )
     211        def _bq_is_valid(self, node):
     212            return len(node.children) != 1 \
     213                    or not isinstance(node.children[0],
     214                            self._suppress_blockquote_child_nodes)
     216        def visit_block_quote(self, node):
     217            if self._bq_is_valid(node):
     218                html4css1.HTMLTranslator.visit_block_quote(self, node)
     220        def depart_block_quote(self, node):
     221            if self._bq_is_valid(node):
     222                html4css1.HTMLTranslator.depart_block_quote(self, node)
     224    # Fix inter-page links
     226    class MultiPageTranslator(DjangoHTMLTranslator):
     227        def visit_reference(self, node, regex=re.compile(r'^../([-\w]+)/')):
     228            if node.has_key('refuri') and regex.match(node['refuri']):
     229                node['refuri'] = regex.sub(r'\1.html', node['refuri'])
     230            html4css1.HTMLTranslator.visit_reference(self, node)
     232    class SinglePageTranslator(DjangoHTMLTranslator):
     233        # Destroys ../foo/#bar style anchors (replacing them with #foo),
     234        # but we can live with that
     235        def visit_reference(self, node, regex=re.compile(r'^../([-\w]+)/.*')):
     236            if node.has_key('refuri') and regex.match(node['refuri']):
     237                node['refuri'] = regex.sub(r'#\1.html', node['refuri'])
     238            html4css1.HTMLTranslator.visit_reference(self, node)
     240    class DjangoHTMLWriter(html4css1.Writer):
     241        """
     242        HTML writer that adds a "toc" key to the set of doc parts.
     243        """
     244        def __init__(self):
     245            html4css1.Writer.__init__(self)
     246            if is_single:
     247                self.translator_class = SinglePageTranslator
     248            else:
     249                self.translator_class = MultiPageTranslator
     251        def translate(self):
     252            # build the document
     253            html4css1.Writer.translate(self)
     255            # build the contents
     256            contents = self.build_contents(self.document)
     257            contents_doc = self.document.copy()
     258            contents_doc.children = contents
     259            contents_visitor = self.translator_class(contents_doc)
     260            contents_doc.walkabout(contents_visitor)
     261            self.parts['toc'] = "<ul class='toc'>%s</ul>" \
     262                    % ''.join(contents_visitor.fragment)
     264        def build_contents(self, node, level=0):
     265            level += 1
     266            sections = []
     267            i = len(node) - 1
     268            while i >= 0 and isinstance(node[i], nodes.section):
     269                sections.append(node[i])
     270                i -= 1
     271            sections.reverse()
     272            entries = []
     273            autonum = 0
     274            depth = 4   # XXX FIXME
     275            for section in sections:
     276                title = section[0]
     277                entrytext = title
     278                try:
     279                    reference = nodes.reference('', '',
     280                            refid=section['ids'][0], *entrytext)
     281                except IndexError:
     282                    continue
     283                ref_id = self.document.set_id(reference)
     284                entry = nodes.paragraph('', '', reference)
     285                item = nodes.list_item('', entry)
     286                if level < depth:
     287                    subsects = self.build_contents(section, level)
     288                    item += subsects
     289                entries.append(item)
     290            if entries:
     291                contents = nodes.bullet_list('', *entries)
     292                return contents
     293            else:
     294                return []
     296    return DjangoHTMLWriter()
  • TabularUnified docs/css/docs.css

     2djangoproject.com by Wilson Miner (wilson@lawrence.com)
     3Copyright (c) 2005 Lawrence Journal-World. Please don't steal.
     7/* SETUP */
     9body { margin:0; padding:0; background:#092e20; color:white; }
     10body, th, td { font:12px/1.4em Verdana,sans-serif; }
     11#container { position:relative; min-width:55em; max-width:100em; }
     12#homepage #container { max-width:100em; }
     14/* LINKS */
     16a {text-decoration: none;}
     17a img {border: none;}
     18a:link, a:visited { color:#ffc757; }
     19#content-main a:link, #content-main a:visited { color:#ab5603; text-decoration:underline; }
     20#content-secondary a:link, #content-secondary a:visited { color:#ffc757; text-decoration:none; }
     21a:hover { color:#ffe761; }
     22#content-main a:hover { background-color:#E0FFB8; color:#234f32; text-decoration:none; }
     23#content-secondary a:hover { color:#ffe761; background:none; }
     24#content-main h2 a, #content-main h3 a { text-decoration:none !important; }
     26/* HEADER */
     28#header { position:relative; height:6.5em; background:#092e20; }
     29#header h1#logo { margin:0; width:111px; height:41px; position:absolute; bottom:10px; left:25px; }
     31/* NAV */
     33#nav-global { position:absolute; margin:0; bottom:0; right:0; font-family:"Trebuchet MS",sans-serif; white-space:nowrap; }
     34#nav-global li { display:block; float:left; list-style-type:none; margin:0; padding:0; }
     35#nav-global a { display:block; float:left; padding:5em 16px 10px 16px; background:#092e20; }
     36#nav-global a:hover { color:white; background:#234f32; }
     37#homepage #nav-homepage a, #overview #nav-overview a, #download #nav-download a, #documentation #nav-documentation a, #weblog #nav-weblog a, #community #nav-community a, #blogroll #nav-blogroll a, #code #nav-code a { color:white; background:#092e20 url(../img/site/nav_bg.gif) bottom repeat-x; }
     39/* COLUMNS */
     41#columnwrap { background:#234f32; padding-bottom:10px; }
     42#subwrap { background:#326342; width:73%; float:left; padding-bottom:10px; }
     43#content-main { float:left; width:70%; background:white; color:black; padding-bottom:10px; }
     44#generic #content-main, #code #content-main { width:100%; }
     45#content-main * { margin-left:22px; margin-right:24px; }
     46#content-main * * { margin-left:0; margin-right:0; }
     47.sidebar { font-size:92%; }
     48.sidebar * { margin-left:14px; margin-right:14px; }
     49.sidebar * * { margin-left:0; margin-right:0; }
     50#content-extra { float:right; width:27%; }
     51#content-related { float:right; width:30%;}
     52#content-secondary { clear:both; background:#487858; margin-left:0; margin-right:0; margin-top:15px; margin-bottom:-10px; padding:10px 24px; color:white; }
     53.subcol-primary, .subcol-secondary { width:40%; float:left; padding-bottom:1.2em; }
     54.subcol-primary { margin-right:1%; }
     56/* CONTENT */
     58h1,h2,h3 { margin-top:.8em; font-family:"Trebuchet MS",sans-serif; font-weight:normal; }
     59h1 { font-size:218%; margin-top:.6em; margin-bottom:.6em; color:#092e20; line-height:1.1em; }
     60h2 { font-size:150%; margin-top:1em; margin-bottom:.2em; line-height:1.2em; color:#092e20; }
     61#homepage h2 { font-size:140%; }
     62h3 { font-size:125%; font-weight:bold; margin-bottom:.2em; color:#487858; }
     63h4 { font-size:100%; font-weight:bold; margin-bottom:-3px; margin-top:1.2em; text-transform:uppercase; letter-spacing:1px; }
     64h4 pre, h4 tt, h4 .literal { text-transform:none; }
     65h5 { font-size:1em; font-weight:bold; margin-top:1.5em; margin-bottom:3px; }
     66p, ul, dl { margin-top:.6em; margin-bottom:.8em; }
     67hr { color:#ccc; background-color:#ccc; height:1px; border:0; }
     68p.date { color:#487858; margin-top:-.2em; }
     69p.more { margin-top:-.4em; }
     70.sidebar p.date { color:#90ba9e; }
     71#content-secondary h2, .sidebar h2 { color:white; }
     72#content-secondary h3, .sidebar h3 { color:#9aef3f; }
     73#content-secondary h2:first-child { margin-top:.6em; }
     74.sidebar h2:first-child { margin-top:.8em; }
     75#content-main h2, #content-main h3 { margin-top:1.2em; }
     76h2.deck { margin-top:-.5em !important; margin-bottom:.6em; color:#487858; }
     77ins { text-decoration: none; }
     78ins a { text-decoration: none; }
     80/* LISTS */
     82ul { padding-left:2em; }
     83ol { padding-left:30px; }
     84ul li { list-style-type:square; margin-bottom:.4em; }
     85ul ul { padding-left:1.2em; }
     86ul ul ul { padding-left:1em; }
     87ul.linklist, ul.toc { padding-left:0; }
     88ul.toc ul { margin-left:.6em; }
     89ul.toc ul li { list-style-type:square; }
     90ul.toc ul ul li { list-style-type:disc; }
     91ul.linklist li, ul.toc li { list-style-type:none; }
     92dt { font-weight:bold; margin-top:.5em; font-size:1.1em; }
     93dd { margin-bottom:.8em; }
     95/*  RSS  */
     97a.rss { font:bold 10px Verdana, sans-serif; padding:0 .2em; border: 1px solid; text-decoration:none; background:#f60;color: #fff; border-color:#ffc8a4 #7d3302 #3f1a01 #ff9a57; margin:0 3px; vertical-align:middle; }
     98#content-main a.rss { color:#fff; text-decoration:none; }
     99a.rss:hover, a.rss:link, a.rss:visited { color:#fff; text-decoration:none; }
     101/* BLOCKQUOTES */
     103#weblog blockquote { padding-left:0.8em; padding-right:1em; font:125%/1.2em "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; color:#234f32; border-left:2px solid #94da3a; }
     104.sidebar blockquote { margin-top:1.5em; margin-bottom:1.5em; }
     105.sidebar blockquote p { font:italic 175%/1.2em "Trebuchet MS",sans-serif; color:#94da3a; }
     106.sidebar blockquote cite { display:block; font-style:normal; line-height:1.2em; margin-top:-.8em; color:#94da3a; }
     107.sidebar cite strong { font-weight:normal; color:white; }
     109/* CODE BLOCKS */
     111.literal { white-space:nowrap; }
     112.literal, .literal-block { color:#234f32; }
     113.sidebar .literal { color:white; background:transparent; font-size:11px; }
     114pre, .literal-block { font-size:medium; background:#E0FFB8; border:1px solid #94da3a; border-width:1px 0; margin: 1em 0; padding: .3em .4em; overflow: auto; }
     115dt .literal, table .literal { background:none; }
     116textarea.codedump { font-size:10px; color:#234f32; width:100%; background:#E0FFB8; border:1px solid #94da3a; border-width:1px 0; padding: .3em .4em; }
     118/* NOTES & ADMONITIONS */
     120.note, .admonition, .caution { padding:.8em 1em .8em; margin: 1em 0; border:1px solid #94da3a; }
     121.admonition-title { font-weight:bold; margin-top:0 !important; margin-bottom:0 !important;}
     122.admonition .last { margin-bottom:0 !important; }
     123.admonition-philosophy { padding-left:65px; background:url(../img/doc/icons/docicons-philosophy.gif) .8em .8em no-repeat;}
     124.admonition-note, .caution { padding-left:65px; background:url(../img/doc/icons/docicons-note.gif) .8em .8em no-repeat;}
     125.admonition-behind-the-scenes { padding-left:65px; background:url(../img/doc/icons/docicons-behindscenes.gif) .8em .8em no-repeat;}
     127/* DOCS */
     129#documentation h2, #documentation h3, #documentation h4 { margin-top:1.4em; }
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     138/* BILLBOARDS */
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     146#download #billboard h2 { margin:0; text-indent:-5000px; height:60px; width:203px; background:url(../img/site/bbd_download.gif) no-repeat; }
     147#documentation #billboard h2 a { display:block; margin:0; text-indent:-5000px; height:60px; width:226px; background:url(../img/site/bbd_documentation.gif) no-repeat; }
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     153/* FOOTER */
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     157/* COMMENTS */
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     183/* Hides from IE-mac \*/
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     197/* Hides from IE-mac \*/
     198* html #subwrap { height: 1%; }
     199#subwrap { display: block; }
     200/* End hide from IE-mac */om IE-mac */
  • TabularUnified docs/django-admin.txt

    200200    django-admin.py flush --verbosity=2
     202htmldocs docdir outdir
     205Converts Django documentation to HTML. Uses the given Django documentation
     206directory ``docdir`` for reading documentation source and output directory
     207``outdir`` (creating it if necessary) for writing HTML files. Writes multiple
     208HTML files, i.e. one HTML file per documentation file by default.
     213Creates a single combined HTML file. Not recommended, produces output that is
     214harder to navigate and more than 1.8 MB large.
     216Example usage::
     218    django-admin.py htmldocs trunk/docs django_docs --single
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