Ticket #5049: django-settings.patch

File django-settings.patch, 3.3 KB (added by Joshua 'jag' Ginsberg <jag@…>, 18 years ago)

Patch to django/conf/init.py

  • TabularUnified django/conf/__init__.py

    99import os
    1010import time     # Needed for Windows
     11import warnings
    1113from django.conf import global_settings
    108110                new_installed_apps.append(app)
    109111        self.INSTALLED_APPS = new_installed_apps
     113        # Import installed apps settings into this namespace
     114        # The downside of this method is that apps with the same name but in
     115        # different namespaces will clobber one another
     116        for app_name in self.INSTALLED_APPS:
     117            last_part = app_name.split('.')[-1]
     118            try:
     119                # import the application's settings.py
     120                # this will be the defaults
     121                mod = __import__('%s.settings' % app_name,
     122                                 globals(),
     123                                 locals(),
     124                                 ['*'])
     125            except ImportError:
     126                # If it doesn't exist, move on
     127                pass
     128            else:
     129                # Warn in case we're stomping on configuration
     130                if hasattr(self, last_part):
     131                    warnings.warn(
     132                      ('While trying to import application settings for %s it '
     133                       'appears another installed application is named %s. '
     134                       'This will result in %s stomping on the other '
     135                       "application's configuration. You should rename one or "
     136                       'the other.') % (app_name, last_part, app_name),
     137                      RuntimeWarning)
     139                # Populate a UserSettingsHolder with the uppercase attributes
     140                # It will be our set of defaults for local_app_settings
     141                app_settings = UserSettingsHolder(object())
     142                for attr in dir(mod):
     143                    if attr == attr.upper():
     144                        attr_value = getattr(mod, attr)
     145                        setattr(app_settings, attr, attr_value)
     147                # On a per-site/project basis, the application configuration
     148                # can be overridden, so we must get local overrides
     149                local_app_settings = UserSettingsHolder(app_settings)
     150                try:
     151                    mod = __import__('app_settings.%s' % last_part,
     152                                     globals(),
     153                                     locals(),
     154                                     ['*'])
     155                except ImportError:
     156                    # If there are no overrides, move on
     157                    # The application defaults will still be used
     158                    pass
     159                else:
     160                    for attr in dir(mod):
     161                        if attr == attr.upper():
     162                            attr_value = getattr(mod, attr)
     163                            setattr(app_settings, attr, attr_value)
     165                # set the net application settings as an attribute of self
     166                setattr(self, last_part, local_app_settings)
    111168        if hasattr(time, 'tzset'):
    112169            # Move the time zone info into os.environ. See ticket #2315 for why
    113170            # we don't do this unconditionally (breaks Windows).
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