Ticket #4692: 4692.diff

File 4692.diff, 2.5 KB (added by James Bennett, 17 years ago)

Patch explaining necessary privileges

  • TabularUnified docs/install.txt

    6868* If you're using Oracle, you'll need cx_Oracle_, version 4.3.1 or higher.
     70If you plan to use Django's ``manage.py syncdb`` command to
     71automatically create database tables for your models, you'll need to
     72ensure that Django has permission to create tables in the database
     73you're using; if you plan to manually create the tables, you can
     74simply grant Django ``SELECT``, ``INSERT``, ``UPDATE`` and ``DELETE``
     75permissions. Django does not issue ``ALTER TABLE`` statements, and so
     76will not require permission to do so. If you will be using Django's
     77`testing framework`_ with data fixtures, Django will need permission
     78to create a temporary test database.
    7080.. _PostgreSQL: http://www.postgresql.org/
    7181.. _MySQL: http://www.mysql.com/
    7282.. _Django's ticket system: http://code.djangoproject.com/report/1
    7888.. _MySQL backend: ../databases/
    7989.. _cx_Oracle: http://www.python.net/crew/atuining/cx_Oracle/
    8090.. _Oracle: http://www.oracle.com/
     91.. _testing framework: ../testing/
    8293Remove any old versions of Django
  • TabularUnified docs/testing.txt

    137137that portions of it look like an interactive Python session, and execute those
    138138lines while checking that the results match.
    140 In the case of model tests, note that the test runner takes care of creating
    141 its own test database. That is, any test that accesses a database -- by
    142 creating and saving model instances, for example -- will not affect your
    143 production database. Each doctest begins with a "blank slate" -- a fresh
    144 database containing an empty table for each model. (See the section on
    145 fixtures, below, for more on this.)
     140In the case of model tests, note that the test runner takes care of
     141creating its own test database. That is, any test that accesses a
     142database -- by creating and saving model instances, for example --
     143will not affect your production database. Each doctest begins with a
     144"blank slate" -- a fresh database containing an empty table for each
     145model. (See the section on fixtures, below, for more on this.) Note
     146that to use this feature, the database user Django is connecting as
     147must have ``CREATE DATABASE`` rights.
    147149For more details about how doctest works, see the `standard library
    148150documentation for doctest`_
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