Ticket #4027: django-model-copying.diff

File django-model-copying.diff, 10.2 KB (added by Forest Bond, 16 years ago)

New patch implementing Model.copy with recursion. Includes tests.

  • TabularUnified django/db/models/base.py

    === modified file 'django/db/models/base.py'
    1111import django.db.models.manager     # Imported to register signal handler.
    1212from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist, MultipleObjectsReturned, FieldError
    1313from django.db.models.fields import AutoField, FieldDoesNotExist
    14 from django.db.models.fields.related import OneToOneRel, ManyToOneRel, OneToOneField
     14from django.db.models.fields.related import OneToOneRel, ManyToOneRel, OneToOneField, ForeignKey
    1515from django.db.models.query import delete_objects, Q
    1616from django.db.models.query_utils import CollectedObjects, DeferredAttribute
    1717from django.db.models.options import Options
    606606    def prepare_database_save(self, unused):
    607607        return self.pk
     609    def _copy(self, recurse, recurse_m2m, copied_objects):
     610        if recurse_m2m is None:
     611            recurse_m2m = recurse
     613        # Handle non-m2m fields.
     614        self_referencing_fields = []
     615        foreign_keys_to_recurse = {}
     616        values = {}
     617        for field in self._meta.fields:
     618            if field.name == self._meta.pk.name:
     619                continue
     621            value = getattr(self, field.name)
     623            if isinstance(field, ForeignKey) and (value is not None):
     624                if value == self:
     625                    # This is a reference to the self instance.  Make a note of
     626                    # it so that we can correctly refer to the copy of self
     627                    # that we're making.  We temporarily store a reference to
     628                    # the old self instance to avoid issues where the foreign
     629                    # key is not allowed to be NULL.
     630                    values[field.name ] = self
     631                    self_referencing_fields.append(field)
     632                    continue
     634                if value in copied_objects:
     635                    # This object has already been copied.  Store a reference
     636                    # to the copy.
     637                    values[field.name] = copied_objects[value]
     638                    continue
     640                if recurse:
     641                    # We are recursing and this object has not been previously
     642                    # copied.  We will make a new copy once the copy of self
     643                    # has been created (we need to add that to copied_objects
     644                    # before we start recursing).  For now, we store a
     645                    # reference to the old value (to avoid issues with NOT
     646                    # NULL) and make a note that we need to finish handling
     647                    # this field.
     648                    values[field.name] = value
     649                    foreign_keys_to_recurse[field] = value
     650                    continue
     652            # This is not a foreign key (or it is but its value is None).
     653            values[field.name] = value
     655        copied_self = self.__class__.objects.create(**values)
     656        copied_objects[self] = copied_self
     658        # Now that we have an id for the copy we are making, fill in the values
     659        # for self-referencing foreign keys.
     660        if self_referencing_fields:
     661            for field in self_referencing_fields:
     662                setattr(copied_self, field.name, copied_self)
     664        # self is now in copied_objects, so we can freely recurse on foreign
     665        # keys.
     666        if foreign_keys_to_recurse:
     667            for field, value in foreign_keys_to_recurse.items():
     668                copied_value = value._copy(
     669                  recurse, recurse_m2m, copied_objects)
     670                setattr(copied_self, field.name, copied_value)
     672        if self_referencing_fields or foreign_keys_to_recurse:
     673            copied_self.save()
     675        # Handle many-to-many relationships.
     676        for m2m_field in self._meta.many_to_many:
     677            value = getattr(self, m2m_field.attname).all()
     679            new_value = []
     680            for item in value:
     681                if item == self:
     682                    # This is a link back to the self instance.  Store a
     683                    # reference to the copy.
     684                    new_value.append(copied_self)
     685                    continue
     687                if (m2m_field.rel.to is self.__class__) and (
     688                  item in copied_objects):
     689                    # This m2m relationship is to self and we've already begun
     690                    # copying the item refered to.  No need to copy the
     691                    # reference to that item, as the relationship only needs to
     692                    # be specified from one side.
     693                    continue
     695                if item in copied_objects:
     696                    # This item has previously been copied.  Store a reference
     697                    # to the copy.
     698                    new_value.append(copied_objects[item])
     699                    continue
     701                if recurse_m2m:
     702                    # This item has not previously been copied and we're
     703                    # recursing.  We need a new copy of this item.
     704                    new_value.append(
     705                      item._copy(recurse, recurse_m2m, copied_objects))
     706                else:
     707                    # This item has not previously been copied and we're not
     708                    # recursing.  Copy the m2m reference to the same item.
     709                    new_value.append(item)
     711            setattr(copied_self, m2m_field.attname, new_value)
     713        return copied_self
     715    def copy(self, recurse = False, recurse_m2m = None):
     716        '''
     717        Creates a copy of this object in the database.
     719        If recurse is True, objects referenced by foreign keys and many-to-many
     720        fields will be recursively copied.  For each object referenced, exactly
     721        one copy will be made.  References will be updated such that references
     722        to objects that were copied bill be updated to point to the copies.
     724        If recurse is True but recurse_m2m is False, only objects referenced by
     725        foreign keys will be recursed into (objects referenced by many-to-many
     726        fields will be left uncopied).  If recurse_m2m is True but recurse is
     727        False, only many-to-many fields will be recursed into.
     729        recurse defaults to False.  recurse_m2m defaults to the value of
     730        recurse.  Typically, recurse_m2m will be left unspecified.
     731        '''
     732        return self._copy(recurse, recurse_m2m, {})
  • TabularUnified tests/modeltests/model_copying/models.py

    === added directory 'tests/modeltests/model_copying'
    === added file 'tests/modeltests/model_copying/__init__.py'
    === added file 'tests/modeltests/model_copying/models.py'
     2    set
     3except NameError:
     4    from sets import Set as set
     6from django.db import models
     9class User(models.Model):
     10    username = models.CharField(max_length = 20)
     12    def __unicode__(self):
     13        return self.username
     16class Issue(models.Model):
     17    summary = models.CharField(max_length = 256)
     18    cc = models.ManyToManyField(
     19      User,
     20      blank = True,
     21      related_name = 'test_issue_cc',
     22    )
     23    client = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name = 'test_issue_client')
     24    duplicate_of = models.ForeignKey('self', blank = True, null = True)
     25    related_issues = models.ManyToManyField('self', blank = True)
     27    def __unicode__(self):
     28        return u'#%u: %s' % (self.id, self.summary)
     30    class Meta:
     31        ordering = ('id',)
     34__test__ = {'API_TESTS': """
     35>>> foo = User.objects.create(username = 'foo')
     36>>> bar = User.objects.create(username = 'bar')
     37>>> baz = User.objects.create(username = 'baz')
     39>>> one = Issue.objects.create(summary = 'A wild and crazy issue', client = foo)
     40>>> one.cc = [bar, baz]
     41>>> one.id
     44# Test non-recursive copying:
     45>>> two = one.copy()
     46>>> two
     47<Issue: #2: A wild and crazy issue>
     48>>> two.client == foo
     50>>> two.summary == one.summary
     52>>> list(two.cc.all()) == list(one.cc.all())
     55>>> two.delete()
     56>>> Issue.objects.all()
     57[<Issue: #1: A wild and crazy issue>]
     58>>> User.objects.all()
     59[<User: foo>, <User: bar>, <User: baz>]
     61# Test full recursion:
     62>>> two = one.copy(recurse = True)
     63>>> two
     64<Issue: #2: A wild and crazy issue>
     66# two.client is a copy of foo; it is unequal because it has a different pk
     67>>> two.client
     68<User: foo>
     69>>> two.client != foo
     72# two.cc is a set of copies of one.cc; they are unequal
     73>>> two.cc.all()
     74[<User: bar>, <User: baz>]
     75>>> set(one.cc.all()) != set(two.cc.all())
     78>>> two.cc.all().delete()
     79>>> two.client.delete()
     80>>> two.delete()
     81>>> Issue.objects.all()
     82[<Issue: #1: A wild and crazy issue>]
     83>>> User.objects.all()
     84[<User: foo>, <User: bar>, <User: baz>]
     86# Test recursion with foreign keys only:
     87>>> two = one.copy(recurse = True, recurse_m2m = False)
     88>>> two
     89<Issue: #2: A wild and crazy issue>
     91# two.client is a copy of foo; it is unequal because it has a different pk
     92>>> two.client
     93<User: foo>
     94>>> two.client != foo
     97# two.cc is equal to one.cc, because m2m fields were not recursed into
     98>>> set(one.cc.all()) == set(two.cc.all())
     101>>> two.client.delete()
     102>>> two.delete()
     103>>> Issue.objects.all()
     104[<Issue: #1: A wild and crazy issue>]
     105>>> User.objects.all()
     106[<User: foo>, <User: bar>, <User: baz>]
     108# Test foreign key recursion with reference to self (this is bogus data and it
     109# doesn't make much sense, but it does test the scenario correctly):
     110>>> one.duplicate_of = one
     111>>> one.save()
     112>>> two = one.copy(recurse = True, recurse_m2m = False)
     114# two.duplicate_of should refer to itself, *not* to one:
     115>>> two.duplicate_of
     116<Issue: #2: A wild and crazy issue>
     118>>> two.client.delete()
     119>>> two.delete()
     120>>> Issue.objects.all()
     121[<Issue: #1: A wild and crazy issue>]
     122>>> User.objects.all()
     123[<User: foo>, <User: bar>, <User: baz>]
     125# Restore one to its original state:
     126>>> one.duplicate_of = None
     127>>> one.save()
     129# Test m2m recursion with reference to self (again, pretty bogus data):
     130>>> one.related_issues = [one]
     132>>> two = one.copy(recurse = False, recurse_m2m = True)
     134# Again, two should refer to itself, *not* to one:
     135>>> two.related_issues.all()
     136[<Issue: #2: A wild and crazy issue>]
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