1 | <!DOCTYPE kdeveloptoc>
2 | <kdeveloptoc>
3 | <title>Django Documentation</title>
4 | <base href="http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/"/>
5 | <tocsect1 name="Essential Documentation" url="documentation/">
6 | <tocsect2 name="Django Overview" url="overview/"/>
7 | <tocsect2 name="Installation Guide" url="install/"/>
8 | <tocsect2 name="Tutorial" />
9 | <tocsect3 name="Part 1: Initialization, creating models, the database API" url="tutorial1/"/>
10 | <tocsect3 name="Part 2: Exploring the automatically-generated admin site" url="tutorial2/"/>
11 | <tocsect3 name="Part 3: Creating the public interface views" url="tutorial3/"/>
12 | <tocsect3 name="Part 4: Simple form processing and generic views" url="tutorial4/"/>
13 | <tocsect2 name="FAQ" url="faq/"/>
14 | <tocsect2 name="Documentation" url="documentation/"/>
15 | </tocsect1>
16 | <tocsect1 name="Reference">
17 | <tocsect2 name="Utilities" url="django_admin/"/>
18 | <tocsect2 name="Models" />
19 | <tocsect3 name="Creating models" url="model_api/"/>
20 | <tocsect3 name="Examples" url="models/"/>
21 | <tocsect3 name="The database API" url="db_api/"/>
22 | <tocsect3 name="Transactions" url="transactions/"/>
23 | <tocsect2 name="Templates" />
24 | <tocsect3 name="Guide for HTML authors" url="templates/"/>
25 | <tocsect3 name="Guide for Python programmers" url="templates_python/"/>
26 | <tocsect2 name="Forms and Manipulators" url="forms/"/>
27 | <tocsect3 name="The newforms Library" url="newforms/"/>
28 | <tocsect2 name="Sessions" url="sessions" />
29 | <tocsect2 name="Caching" url="cache/"/>
30 | <tocsect2 name="Internationalization" url="i18n/"/>
31 | <tocsect2 name="Middleware" url="middleware/" />
32 | <tocsect2 name="Settings Files" url="settings/"/>
33 | <tocsect2 name="URL Configuration" url="url_dispatch/"/>
34 | <tocsect2 name="Request and Response Objects" url="request_response/" />
35 | <tocsect2 name="Generic Views" url="generic_views/"/>
36 | <tocsect2 name="Authentication" url="authentication/"/>
37 | <tocsect2 name="Add-on Applications (contrib)" url="add_ons/"/>
38 | <tocsect3 name="Syndication Feeds (RSS and Atom)" url="syndication/"/>
39 | <tocsect3 name="Flatpages" url="flatpages/"/>
40 | <tocsect3 name="Redirects" url="redirects/"/>
41 | <tocsect3 name="Sites" url="sites/"/>
42 | <tocsect3 name="Sitemaps" url="sitemaps/"/>
43 | </tocsect1>
44 | <tocsect1 name="Deployment">
45 | <tocsect2 name="Using Django With mod_python" url="modpython/"/>
46 | <tocsect2 name="Using Django With FastCGI" url="fastcgi/"/>
47 | </tocsect1>
48 | <tocsect1 name="Solving Specific Problems">
49 | <tocsect2 name="Authenticating against Django's user database from Apache" url="apache_auth/"/>
50 | <tocsect2 name="Serving static/media files" url="static_files/"/>
51 | <tocsect2 name="Sending e-mail" url="email/"/>
52 | <tocsect2 name="Integrating with (introspecting) a legacy database" url="legacy_databases/"/>
53 | <tocsect2 name="Outputting PDFs dynamically" url="outputting_pdfs/"/>
54 | <tocsect2 name="Outputting CSV dynamically" url="outputting_csvc/"/>
55 | </tocsect1>
56 | <tocsect1 name="Et cetera">
57 | <tocsect2 name="Design Philosophies" url="design_philosophies/"/>
58 | <tocsect2 name="How to contribute to Django" url="contributing/"/>
59 | <tocsect2 name="Django admin CSS guide" url="admin_css/"/>
60 | <tocsect2 name="API stability" url="api_stability/"/>
61 | </tocsect1>
62 | <tocsect1 name="Release notes">
63 | <tocsect2 name="Version 0.95" url="095_release_notes/"/>
64 | </tocsect1>
65 | </kdeveloptoc>
66 |