1 | 208c208
2 | < for matches, pat in pattern.reverse_dict.getlist(name):
3 | ---
4 | > for matches, pat, default_args in pattern.reverse_dict.getlist(name):
5 | 212c212
6 | < lookups.appendlist(name, (new_matches, p_pattern + pat))
7 | ---
8 | > lookups.appendlist(name, (new_matches, p_pattern + pat, default_args))
9 | 219c219
10 | < lookups.appendlist(pattern.callback, (bits, p_pattern))
11 | ---
12 | > lookups.appendlist(pattern.callback, (bits, p_pattern, pattern.default_args))
13 | 221c221
14 | < lookups.appendlist(pattern.name, (bits, p_pattern))
15 | ---
16 | > lookups.appendlist(pattern.name, (bits, p_pattern, pattern.default_args))
17 | 312c312
18 | < for possibility, pattern in possibilities:
19 | ---
20 | > for possibility, pattern, default_args in possibilities:
21 | 319a320,335
22 | > # first check if some of the requested kwargs are defined as an default arg.
23 | > # pop them from the requested kwargs so that they won't interfere with the
24 | > # comparison of the other kwargs. If one of the default_args is requested but
25 | > # differ with its value the corresponding URL will be ignored.
26 | > bak_kwargs = kwargs.copy()
27 | > continue_upper_loop = False
28 | > for key in default_args:
29 | > if key in kwargs:
30 | > tmp = kwargs.pop(key)
31 | > if tmp != default_args[key]:
32 | > continue_upper_loop = True
33 | > break
34 | > if continue_upper_loop:
35 | > # we will restore the original kwargs before continuing.
36 | > kwargs=bak_kwargs.copy()
37 | > continue
38 | 323a340
39 | > kwargs = bak_kwargs.copy()