Ticket #14514: static-files.2.patch

File static-files.2.patch, 939 bytes (added by Andy McKay, 14 years ago)

Oops, correct one

  • static-files.txt

    222222Serving static files in production
    225 The basic outline of putting static files into production a simple: un the
     225The basic outline of putting static files into production a simple: run the
    226226:djadmin:`collectstatic` command when static media changes, then arrange for the
    227227collected media directory (:setting:`STATICFILES_ROOT`) to be moved to the media
    228228server and served.
    396396This document has covered the basics and some common usage patterns. For
    397397complete details on all the settings, commands, template tags, and other pieces
    398398include in ``django.contrib.staticfiles``, see :doc:`the statcfiles reference
    399 </ref/contrib/staticfiles>`.
    400  No newline at end of file
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