Ticket #10908: 10908.diff

File 10908.diff, 843 bytes (added by Tim Graham, 15 years ago)

slightly updated patch with links to methods

  • topics/testing.txt

    686686        user accounts that are valid on your production site will not work
    687687        under test conditions. You'll need to create users as part of the test
    688688        suite -- either manually (using the Django model API) or with a test
    689         fixture.
     689        fixture. If your test user has a password, you must use either
     690        ``User.objects.create()`` and
     691        :meth:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User.set_password()` or the
     692        :meth:`~django.contrib.auth.models.UserManager.create_user` helper
     693        method to ensure the user password is hashed so ``login()`` will work
     694        correctly.
    691696    .. method:: Client.logout()
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